Friday, February 28, 2025

The criticism of the USA is substantial.

It doesn’t matter the source, the Trump administration is a global disaster. The UN is afraid for people and disease prevention and treatment.

I worry about the overt racism in the USA by this president.

USA defense of military oath (click here). Why does anyone have to even make such a speech? 

Wall Street assessments of Ukraine’s mineral resources are skeptical (click here) to the quality of the mining after the pounding of the land. The latest assessment of USGS (click here) is considered outdated due to the conflict. I doubt anyone trusts Putin except Trump.

Putin is prosecuting everyone. USA business isn’t safe there. The business community won’t be cajoled into believing Trump’s propaganda. They don’t want the trouble Putin hands out.

One comment by President Zelenskyy I found interesting was his statement to Vance. He asked if Vance had been to Ukraine. Vance didn’t answer but just continued his scripted rant. President Zelenskyy said, “…come (to Ukraine) just once.”

This is just a sample from LinkedIn. They are professionals for across the pond. There are few domestic or abroad that feel President Zelenskyy was treated well. 

Well, we know why USAID was shut down (click here). Every withdrawal of USAID, including with the UN, creates a void that can now be filled by China or Russia. Trump’s worship of personal wealth is stupid. I guess he’ll figure that out when Putin takes Mar-a-logo for himself.

While Musk is receiving plenty kickbacks from Trump.

The scientists supplying the information about the universe are worried about the finding of their research. These cuts will result in the standing internationally of the USA, but, alas that is exactly what Musk and Trump want.

(Click here)

“Better war, than shameful peace.”

(Click here)

So what is so different? The betrayal took place in public this time?

Vance complained Zelenskyy disrespected Trump. So. Give Trump a crying towel. As President Zelenskyy sat in the White House looking for peace while his military was facing down Russia, Trump and Vance gamed him for effect the opinion of the politics of the USA.

The title are the words of a brave Ukrainian military officer fighting in the most intense offensive (click here).

If Ukraine fighting forces are threatened by interruptions in their supply lines, they need to move out of a doomed scenario. Please. 

There are too many consequences for the Ukrainian military FOR NOW. They need a conservative view for now.

The opposition to “The Trump Show” has to continue to rebalance Trump’s administration to send the radical right packing. What occurred today is shameful and does not reflect the USA. Americans are feeling deep betrayal since the election. This is more of the same. The only difference this time is Musk. Trump is using him as a scapegoat. He lets Musk do wild crazy things to the federal government and then reels him in after it is not popular. 

(Click here)

Hegseth is not a dictator.

Hegseth is attempting to weaken the USA military.

He is visiting with troops to influence their loyalty (he is seeking to destroy morale) he is telling the Cyber Command to stand down on Russia, he is changing the rules in raids and air strikes (think NORAD and Russian incursions), and his office is berating journalists much the way Hegseth is berating our soldiers.

That’s not all.

Hegseth is planning a war action against Mexico for not enforcing Trump’s rules at the southern border. If Hegseth has a war plan against Mexico, then Trump is planning 90 days of Mexican incursion. The best defense for Mexico is to allow the incursion without resistance. It will be 90 days of assault with drug cartels.

Is was good cop, bad cop today at the White House. Trump did want the American people to see how unthankful President Zelenskyy was to the American people. It was a planned assault on Zelenskyy AND the American people.

Trump conducted this assault while Hegseth was dismantling the USA military. Hegseth is a trained actor.

(Click here)

Trump is allied with Russia. Putin has had four years to groom Trump. Firing all those federal employees quickly is all part of decentralization of authority and weakening the federal government. The Republicans are fools for the idea this is about reducing the federal budget.

Being the Zelenskyy Show occurred on Friday there is plenty of time to measure the country’s reaction to prepare for the Sunday shows.

(Click here)

Stand up to Musk.

Musk and DoGE’s temporary employees status is over. Their bullying won’t hold up in court.

Never be afraid of the shadow.

The United States of America cast a shadow. That shadow has meaning to the well-being of this nation and the people that live within it. That shadow has to be defended. If we pulled into our borders and pulled curtains around this country and never looked outside those curtains we would be more vulnerable than we ever could be otherwise.

During World War II, we made a mistake. We traded to both sides of the war in Europe. We tried to be neutral and stay out of it. That war came to visit our shores. The USA was turned into a military machine domestically. We entered a two front war. That should never happen again.

The USA is a very large country. We have states outside the 48. Those states have to be defended. That means we have to be strong on both fronts, the Atlantic and the Pacific. We have good neighbors to the north and good neighbors to the south and we are very lucky. If ever the USA fell into nearshore wars, Canada and Mexico would be there for us. With that is to understand, we have to be there for them.

We are a strong country and plentiful when it comes to industrial production and agricultural products. Morally, we have a responsibility to others that share the love of freedom, liberty, and democracy. We cannot, nor should we ever consider ever turning away from our responsibility in this world.

The USA has a shadow and we need to protect that shadow as well as the borders of this country. It is our survival.

Any elected president is allowed the pride of the defense of this country and our allies. But, that president better not make us weak and helpless to defend our country and our allies.

Trump is a coward.

“He (Zelenskyy) is gambling with WW III.”


We have been gambling with WW III since World War II. This is nothing new and it is why Trump wants to run away from NATO.

If Trump hands Ukraine to Russia, or any part of it to Russia, the next step is going to be Poland and the other Post-Soviet states. We will then be gambling with World War III all over again. Losing the war in Ukraine to Russia is not an option.

This is what is so strange or maybe not so strange about Trump and the way he handles the presidency. He will stand with Netanyahu for ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and, he will not stand with President Zelenskyy to protect from ethnic cleansing by Russia of Ukraine.

Is there any morality in the White House now?

With Trump, the people of the USA have traded moral character of this country for a leader that will kill for profit. See any further war either it be in Gaza or Ukraine is an expenditure by the United States of America. We have allies. We have to stand with our allies. That requires a great deal of trust. Trump is not willing to do that. He is more interested in getting rid of the federal government, reducing the military to nothing so he doesn’t have to pay taxes.

Donald Trump is not capable of being president of the United States of America. This country is an ally to other countries that value freedom, liberty, and democracy. Donald Trump values none of that. He also sees the US military as a killing machine and not as a defensive military force.

He wants to put the US military at the southern border and I guarantee you he will order them to kill. They won’t. Simply because these are unarmed people coming across the border. They are coming here for help. Whether or not they are eligible for that help in the way of granting asylum has yet to be decided. But Trump will throw all that away and kill people who are unarmed simply because he has to turn up his nose at the idea of having anything except Caucasians in this country. 

Trump‘s abandonment of our allies is grounds for impeachment. It is breaking his oath of office and turning his back on commander-in-chief, and walking away from alliances that have been in place for decades. Those alliances have protected the lives of our allies, hence, the lives of the American people. The United States is respected for its military, and that cannot be bargained away. Any Republican that does not see that and turns their back on impeachment needs to be removed from office.



Governor Kathy Hochul discrimination

You can call it what you want but New York’s Governor’s congestion tax is a tax on high congestion in New York City no different that Florida’s tolls on I-4.

Trump issued an executive order against Hochul’s toll on traffic congestion. Florida’s governor never received such an executive order.

This is blatant hatred of Governor Hochul by Donald John Trump. Governor Hochul has a right to sue Trump personally for targeted power against a Democratic governor and professionally in impeding tax collection to benefit New York’s citizens in the face of draconian budget cuts.

Congestion taxes or tolls is not as new and innovative as stated in the media. Such a toll tax is being used in Florida. It is new to New York but it is under the radar in other places such as I-4.

Stop negotiating with Trump. He is a serving criminal and untrustworthy. Lawyers have to be utilized when conversations exist with Trump and contracts cannot have gray areas. If there is a shadow of a doubt about any WORD in a contract it will be exploited in unimaginable ways. 
(Click here)

Economic Blackout

No shopping today (click here).

Racketeering included obstruction of justice


If there was a real Attorney General in DOJ, Trump and Musk would already be facing charges. The Consumer Protection Bureau is a policing agency with real power to protect Americans financial stability. Basically, it brings justice to Americans. 

Pam Bondi is playing with herself releasing files already made public about tabloid nonsense. This is not the function of the DOJ.

(Click here)

Millions of Americans are now corruptly cheated out of real justice.

This is without a doubt criminal activity “to do favors” within the federal government now that Trump is in office.

(Click here)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Public comment requested.

(Click here)

Constitutional Crisis

I take issue with that.

The House and Senate surrendered to their dictator. They are silent and that is as good as permission for their dictator. I would like to think the Do Nothing Republicans are waiting to see what destruction the courts will allow. So long as the courts allow a dictator they won’t fight it regardless the insult to Americans and their burgeoning impoverishment.

The Constitution is in good shape. There is nothing wrong with it. It is the cowards in the legislature that is the crisis. The willfulness of the Republicans against the people is the only problem otherwise none of the terror activity by Musk would be occurring. 

The Palace Guards will have to accompany Trump to prison when the contempt arrests warrants are made.

Time to sue the Trump administrators.

I think the public needs to demand transparency of policy effecting the media. That is the FCC. We already know the FAA maybe becoming deeply affected. Our country is less safe by a wannabe dictator. We can’t ignore it ever.

Any billionaire wants safe food supply. They could own their personal farms, but, that defeats natural vaccine policy. If the president wannabe dictator is eating food from animals vaccinated for disease that defeats the HHS natural immunity policy. If animals can be protected under the law, so goes American citizens.

The flu advisory board needs to sue HHS on behalf of the American people. It is a good place to start. 

Trump has a cabinet of ideologies ALLOWED by congressional ideologues.

If Op-Ed’s are editorialized…

the growth of autocracy will flourish. Retreating into nothing but sports as a national pastime is surrendering to Wall Street and democracy. 

Bland national dialogue IS oppression.

I don’t need to subscribe to oppression.

(Click here)

I am curious.

Is Kennedy against the manufacturing and administration of Bordetella?

There is an experimental vaccine being administered to birds. How is that impacted by natural immunity policy? 

The Flu Vaccine

The annual review to establish the efficacy of this year’s flu vaccine is vital unless Trump wants to pare down the number of elderly and vulnerable Americans cutting the Social Security rolls.

Basically, natural immunity policy will kill the elderly and vulnerable. It is a form of further ethnic cleansing based on age and chronic health problems. Aging is a chronic health problem as the body changes over time. Any policy that leads to earlier and earlier death is an assault on quality of life of Americans.

Communist countries have really bad longevity rates uses.

(Click here)

According to power brokers at HHS it is easy to point to this American tragedy or that American tragedy because shit happens. That is proof the Trump administration is indifferent to human beings being safe and enjoying life UNLESS they can afford it. Basically, if an American can’t dish out thousands daily for good health then they aren’t living right. 

A person has to be able to buy “the bubble” of good health and longevity or die.

The $5 million Immigration Gold Card

I hear Xi and Putin can’t wait.

The Permanent Resident (click here)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It was aliens.

The aliens took it up in their ship. The National Enquirer would say the same thing. That rag talks about aliens all the time. Yep. The only way we are going to get it back is if Elon Musk goes after the thriving aliens. 


That is true. Elon can get them. Absolutely. Such a relief.


Who cares about vaccines? Hell it is only one kid. From Texas even. Probably minority kid anyway. Immigration kid? Birth right kid? One less to worry about on some kind of damn welfare. 

Americans have to expect these things when the only immunity available is natural immunity. Honestly, everyone thinks all people should live. Some die. Get over it.

It is called freedom. Liberty. Everyone has a right to let their kids die.

Vaccines are expensive. All that money belongs to Musk for his brain implants. I betcha in no time Musk will come up with a brain implant for every child in the USA that will end vaccines. 

Bubonic plague? Come on there never was such a thing. It is all a lie.

You lousy bleeding heart liberals are all the problem.

If it can’t be found in the National Enquirer it doesn’t exist.

My, my MSNBC what is going on?

Is it just the female anchors of ethnics other than Caucasian that are hid from viewers? I mean Michael Steele is still anchoring because of the racism imposed by Trump of the MSNBC women.

Yes, Trump and I quote, “…Joy Reid is finally gone…”

I am curious. Is every ethnic woman hired under diversity statues or perhaps, just perhaps, they are actually talented. 


Americans are being forced off “Medicare Advantage” and/or Part D or Medicare Supplement into private big box pharmacies.

These pharmacies don’t use tiers. It is based in warehouse costs. Supposedly the more inventory held by SingleCare the lower the cost.

With Medicare Advantage, etc. genetics were Tier One with no copay. There is always a copay with drugs sold by these private pharmacies. The Senior members of the USA are “being played” for profit. They are being exploited.

Bait and switch

President Zelenskyy should have the language of any agreement crystal clear. Allies should be agreed on the language. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Who asked them to compromise the country?

The House and Senate need to take brave Americans into accord with dismissed federal workers, too. We are responsible to them, too.

(Click here)

Treaties are required to go through Congress. The president can negotiate a treaty, but, that is where it stops. If it becomes a USA interest it gets complicated while in a war zone.

We have had contractors in a war zone before and it didn’t go well. Not that Ukraine is Iraq, but, the idea contractors would be safe with two countries claiming the same land gets to be a safety and security issue. So, I don’t see any of that happening until there was a solid peace.

(Click here)

Vladimir Putin has no right…

…to Ukraine’s children mineral rights.

(Click here)

One other thing.

Were all these federal employees debriefed before their jobs were eliminated?

Senator Murkowski is frequently a voice of reason. It is unfortunate the House and Senate are occupied with tiding up after Trump.

(Click here)

If downsizing government was conducted properly…

…former federal employee wouldn’t be wandering aimlessly in hopes something would turn up.

This mass elimination of federal employees is typical of Trump’s “I have not got a clue what I am doing,” administration.

The unemployed federal workers were not fired. Their jobs were wrongfully eliminated. They should be eligible for unemployment benefits. 

When large organizations, especially government, need to HELP people find employment they frequently turn to events like job fairs where educated people can find their next job. 

It is not unusual for government staff to wax and wane in numbers as needs change with any society, not just the USA. But, there are right ways and wrong ways to accomplish the same goal without hubris or damaging reputations of good people doing the jobs asked of them.

To begin, everyone of the former federal employees should have been provided at least one good reference in their pursuit of continuing their careers.

Secondly, any elected official knows government work can be very specialized and not easily translated into a private sector job. That means some of these wonderful people will need guidance to where they can find retraining which means they need support to achieve that goal so they don’t lose everything they worked for to date. That support can take many forms such as a hold on student debt payments, paid for childcare, and other supplementary measures not normally would not be extended to them for the length of their retraining.

The Congress can write bills to ease this burden on the federally unemployed as soon as representatives and Senators understand the needs they face. The best thing any federally unemployed can do is write their elected officials to provide an understanding of their stark reality and ask for help until they are on their own again.

These folks cannot be abandoned for the benefit of tax relief. They need support so they maintain their health, both medically and mentally. There better not be a tragedy of desperation among even one of these very wonderful people.

Just because Trump does care about them or this country is no excuse for their impoverishment. They are our responsibility and the country needs to rise to the occasion.

(Click here)

The Underbelly of the USA

Quite a contrast to the wealth and hubris of CPAC. Every one of the Americans cited in this article are capable of becoming contributing members of society.

(Click here)

They are neglected in a greed laden society that wants to destroy its own government.

I worked at University Hospital in Newark in the years when Newark was second in the nation for HIV cases. I know such rehabilitation by dedicated professionals it is possible. It takes long term commitment as was the case decades ago when the USA took on Appalachia.

Every one of these Americans need medical attention, mental health intervention, and rehabilitation. They need long term commitments and not simply 28 days.

The most tragic of these Americans are the isolated forgotten by J. D. Vance. This family was been living in isolation with government representatives that call this freedom and liberty.

J.D. Vance made a lot of money off a movie. It hasn’t done a darn thing for these people. He never legislated for them when he had the chance. The lives of, I believe it is the Whitaker family with an address in Odd, West Virginia, are absolute tragedies with a brother that passed away.

(Click here)

Where are the social workers? Where are the teachers? Where is the good work of Medicaid? Where are the food stamps? 

If a journalist was able to win their trust over with years of visits, there is no excuse for the absence of compassion that exists in their lives.

So, while conservatives rule in West Virginia politically and exploit the resources of the state this is what they leave in their wake. People so isolated they never see doctors to correct their inbred impairments. They never understand that the lives they live are harmful to themselves and wrong. To realize one of these men can understand language just fine, but, can only answer questions with the bark of communication he learned from his dogs is to speak to the DECADES of neglect and isolation their government ignored while sailing boats in DC.

All these Americans need help. They need to be approached with an understanding their lives can improve.

If there is one Whitaker family in Odd, West Virginia; then there are others. With fewer and fewer people controlling the wealth in the world and that wealth being channeled into highly speculative projects as AI and Mars residency where most human beings will sustain blindness, there is little hope for any humanitarian effort and J.D. Vance’s American underbelly will go on forever with unsustainable lives.

So, what then is Jamie Dimon’s answer for these people? Dimon thinks DoGE is necessary. I guess Dimon needs another house, or limo, or diamond ring. 

So while Trump trashes the government of the USA with a military that protected their penthouses, they are applauding Trump’s abandonment of morality and decency. Worshipping money will do that. Maybe Wall Street needs as much rehabilitation or more.

This is called anarchy.

Trump abdicated his presidency to anarchy. He continues to turn his junk yard dog lose in the face of a country in shock that any of this is even possible.

Anarchy is unconstitutional.

Who in the vast Middle Class of the United States of America could even conceive the thought this could happen? Just a blanket elimination of a democracy the world looked to for hope, compassion, and leadership? 

This is called hubris and it is disgusting. The entire world is witnessing a sham government and wondering what angle they can play. It is a travesty of governance. Everyone responsible in allowing it should be removed from office.

(Click here)

Monday, February 24, 2025

Support Ukraine’s economy

Buy Ukraine (click here)

On Amazon. This is just one product.

(Click here)


 Get this.

Trump, in retaliation for being democracies on the North American continent will now begin tariffs with Canada and Mexico while North Korea is threatening to drop bombs on Trump if he starte this tariff bullshit. lol…lol…lol…this is funnier than anything Kimmel could assemble…lol…lol…lol…


The United Nations voted on a resolution for Russia to end its aggression and withdraw from Ukraine. All countries but three voted in favor of resolution.

The entire world voted to support the resolution.

The entire world! 

Except three, North Korea, Belarus, and …

…, drum roll please,…

…the United States of America located just north of the Gulf of America. Where you might ask? Better understood to be north of Mexico.

lol…lol…lol…North Korea who lost most of the soldiers to Ukraine with a dictator that writes love letters to Trump…lol…lol…lol…Belarus, that attended the USA gathering of white supremacists, aka the Republican Congress…lol…lol…lol and in the first time in history the USA who can’t even find itself on a map…lol…lol…lol…

Trump is attacking SSI from the inside out.

This is a step in the right direction but there is still a hearing after this one. I wish the Supreme Court was more certain in the decisions they render. It would be helpful to the country if there was a clear understanding that the government is stable and secure. 

(Click here)

The office below sounds important to me.

There is a big difference between reviewing personnel to know they are doing a good job and completely eliminating a vital office. The legislature has to do that. It appears to me Trump is eliminating the WHISTLEBLOWERS. That is what Inspector Generals and Oversight personnel do best. Trump has plans to destroy our system of government which is a direct violation of the oath of office. If no one is watching he will put his hand in the cookie jar and rob every American of their hard earned retirement.

(Click here)

(Click here)

This office doesn’t sound like pork to me. 

(Click here)

Trump hasn’t made any good decisions since he was inaugurated.

He is trying to find weaknesses in the government to dismantle it without loyalty to even his oath of office. Looking for weaknesses to exploit is not the job of the president. Exploitation is a violation of his oath of office.

(Click here)

Thinking local still wins the day.

(Click here)

Trump is committing Medicare fraud.

Trump is telling insurance CEOs to increase the tier levels to all medications sending them into the unaffordable range, this includes generic medications.

Americans are no longer able to afford the medications. He is placing everyone’s life at risk. People will die.

Say good-bye to affordable insulin.

The CEOs are moving tier one medications to tier four. That is unaffordable. That is pure unadulterated fraud and racketeering.

It is also an assault on Social Security. People will have to pay for medication out if their Social Insecurity check. It could result in an increase of the elderly homeless.

If seniors can’t make the leap and pay exorbitant prices for medication say good-bye to pharmaceutical companies. It will collapse the industry and end research.

The USA is on its way to being a third world country. The gap between who can afford average cost of living and who cannot is widening with a more exclusive elite class. We are headed into communist territory with far less equity for all Americans. 

State AGs need to file lawsuits emergently against all the insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid based in irreparable harm. Everyday a person misses a medication dose shortens longevity. 

Ukrainian Minerals

It is all public access.

(Click here)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

A true patriot sounds like this.

It is so comforting to hear Former Vice President Pence speak the truth in ways that are astoundingly grounded in our founding. I sincerely appreciate him (click here).