Americans are no longer able to afford the medications. He is placing everyone’s life at risk. People will die.
Say good-bye to affordable insulin.
The CEOs are moving tier one medications to tier four. That is unaffordable. That is pure unadulterated fraud and racketeering.
It is also an assault on Social Security. People will have to pay for medication out if their Social Insecurity check. It could result in an increase of the elderly homeless.
If seniors can’t make the leap and pay exorbitant prices for medication say good-bye to pharmaceutical companies. It will collapse the industry and end research.
The USA is on its way to being a third world country. The gap between who can afford average cost of living and who cannot is widening with a more exclusive elite class. We are headed into communist territory with far less equity for all Americans.
State AGs need to file lawsuits emergently against all the insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid based in irreparable harm. Everyday a person misses a medication dose shortens longevity.