The United States of America cast a shadow. That shadow has meaning to the well-being of this nation and the people that live within it. That shadow has to be defended. If we pulled into our borders and pulled curtains around this country and never looked outside those curtains we would be more vulnerable than we ever could be otherwise.
During World War II, we made a mistake. We traded to both sides of the war in Europe. We tried to be neutral and stay out of it. That war came to visit our shores. The USA was turned into a military machine domestically. We entered a two front war. That should never happen again.
The USA is a very large country. We have states outside the 48. Those states have to be defended. That means we have to be strong on both fronts, the Atlantic and the Pacific. We have good neighbors to the north and good neighbors to the south and we are very lucky. If ever the USA fell into nearshore wars, Canada and Mexico would be there for us. With that is to understand, we have to be there for them.
We are a strong country and plentiful when it comes to industrial production and agricultural products. Morally, we have a responsibility to others that share the love of freedom, liberty, and democracy. We cannot, nor should we ever consider ever turning away from our responsibility in this world.
The USA has a shadow and we need to protect that shadow as well as the borders of this country. It is our survival.
Any elected president is allowed the pride of the defense of this country and our allies. But, that president better not make us weak and helpless to defend our country and our allies.