We have been gambling with WW III since World War II. This is nothing new and it is why Trump wants to run away from NATO.
If Trump hands Ukraine to Russia, or any part of it to Russia, the next step is going to be Poland and the other Post-Soviet states. We will then be gambling with World War III all over again. Losing the war in Ukraine to Russia is not an option.
This is what is so strange or maybe not so strange about Trump and the way he handles the presidency. He will stand with Netanyahu for ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and, he will not stand with President Zelenskyy to protect from ethnic cleansing by Russia of Ukraine.
Is there any morality in the White House now?
With Trump, the people of the USA have traded moral character of this country for a leader that will kill for profit. See any further war either it be in Gaza or Ukraine is an expenditure by the United States of America. We have allies. We have to stand with our allies. That requires a great deal of trust. Trump is not willing to do that. He is more interested in getting rid of the federal government, reducing the military to nothing so he doesn’t have to pay taxes.
Donald Trump is not capable of being president of the United States of America. This country is an ally to other countries that value freedom, liberty, and democracy. Donald Trump values none of that. He also sees the US military as a killing machine and not as a defensive military force.
He wants to put the US military at the southern border and I guarantee you he will order them to kill. They won’t. Simply because these are unarmed people coming across the border. They are coming here for help. Whether or not they are eligible for that help in the way of granting asylum has yet to be decided. But Trump will throw all that away and kill people who are unarmed simply because he has to turn up his nose at the idea of having anything except Caucasians in this country.
Trump‘s abandonment of our allies is grounds for impeachment. It is breaking his oath of office and turning his back on commander-in-chief, and walking away from alliances that have been in place for decades. Those alliances have protected the lives of our allies, hence, the lives of the American people. The United States is respected for its military, and that cannot be bargained away. Any Republican that does not see that and turns their back on impeachment needs to be removed from office.