Tuesday, February 25, 2025

If downsizing government was conducted properly…

…former federal employee wouldn’t be wandering aimlessly in hopes something would turn up.

This mass elimination of federal employees is typical of Trump’s “I have not got a clue what I am doing,” administration.

The unemployed federal workers were not fired. Their jobs were wrongfully eliminated. They should be eligible for unemployment benefits. 

When large organizations, especially government, need to HELP people find employment they frequently turn to events like job fairs where educated people can find their next job. 

It is not unusual for government staff to wax and wane in numbers as needs change with any society, not just the USA. But, there are right ways and wrong ways to accomplish the same goal without hubris or damaging reputations of good people doing the jobs asked of them.

To begin, everyone of the former federal employees should have been provided at least one good reference in their pursuit of continuing their careers.

Secondly, any elected official knows government work can be very specialized and not easily translated into a private sector job. That means some of these wonderful people will need guidance to where they can find retraining which means they need support to achieve that goal so they don’t lose everything they worked for to date. That support can take many forms such as a hold on student debt payments, paid for childcare, and other supplementary measures not normally would not be extended to them for the length of their retraining.

The Congress can write bills to ease this burden on the federally unemployed as soon as representatives and Senators understand the needs they face. The best thing any federally unemployed can do is write their elected officials to provide an understanding of their stark reality and ask for help until they are on their own again.

These folks cannot be abandoned for the benefit of tax relief. They need support so they maintain their health, both medically and mentally. There better not be a tragedy of desperation among even one of these very wonderful people.

Just because Trump does care about them or this country is no excuse for their impoverishment. They are our responsibility and the country needs to rise to the occasion.

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