Monday, March 25, 2019

There is a lot about the Trump criminality that is being ignored.

Let there be no doubt, Former Director Comey's firing is obstruction of justice because there was already an investigation underway regarding Russian influence in the 2016 elections. William Barr isn't even protecting the FBI.

Donald Trump has been very successful in hiding his criminal activities. Let no one forget he was seeking to build a Trump Tower in Moscow up to the day he won the election. There were sanctions in place. He should not have been pursuing it at all. 

Then there are all the people involved with him and his family directly that have been charged, tried and/or plead guilty. No other president has had the issues that Trump has had and continues to have. He refuses to find qualified candidates for high level government positions. That has to be at least a breach in ethics.

The Trump Charities was closed down because of corruption within the Trump family. There is definitely criminality within Trump and his business practices. So Americans need to remain vigilant. He is not a good president.

There needs to be rule of law returned to the ability of the DOJ to indict a sitting president. The entire idea that a sitting president is above the law leads to events such as treason with impunity. Those standards are toxic to democracy.

And don't forget the criminals of the Trump CROWD. There have been credible attempts of terrorism on the press and Democratic leaders. It has never been stated by Trump that he does not approve of such activity.

There is a lot about Trump that is not decent, ethical or exactly legal.