The late Joe Paterno had his statue melted down and used for the Rodney Erickson Penn State Food Science Building sign. It will take some time but Representative Jodan will go by the way of Joe Paterno.
A leader should take responsibility and do the right thing. Jim Jordan had young men sexually abused on his watch. He is responsible.
It is no different than the 51 US Senators that stacked the deck in favor of Donald Trump and Russia in the Sessions Justice Department. Brian Benczkowski will haunt the 51 US Senators that today compromised the sovereignty of the United States of America. Those 51 Senators may as well have put Putin in the office of the DOJ because the information Benczkowski will harvest from DOJ records will find their way to Alpha Bank, the Trump Organization, the Oval Office and every member of the Duma and the offices in Moscow and terrible leaks will be blamed for it and Trump will assign a poorly funded staffer to find the leaker.