...the Federalist Society is a bunch of wealthy people, many of them lawyers. There are chapters spread throughout the country. Bork was the first lawyer/judge the Federalists tried to put on the US Supreme Court. Scalia was the second. Anyone can understand the attraction by lawyers and judges that want to advance their career; the Federalist Society helped. They more than helped they set up a political machine with an agenda.
One should ask why Republicans depend on a society of wealthy people to fill judge seats. These judges carry the Republican agenda forward. While, the judges take all the regular oaths to uphold the US Constitution, it is not a sincere promise. The Federalist Society prides itself on ideas. Most of these ideas are based in wealth. The Democrats sort of missed the wealth train when their donors are measured against the Federalists.
The Federalists call themselves “Originalists” because the origin of the USA happened before the presidency of FDR. The Federalists value their ideas over the US Constitution. They use the Constitution as a springboard for their ideas. Basically the are Anti-American, but, they like the wealth and the military. They have no patience for the poor and hide behind the Bible, or at their ideology derived from it.
I think they are dangerous to our country and don’t make good decisions. Of the current Justices four are members of the Federalist Society; Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch. With what’s his name, Cavanaugh a nominee it is easy to predict that all Republican choices will be corrupted by Federalist money and agenda. What if a great judge is not from the Federalists? They automatically get passed over.
I believe they are Anti-American and don’t accept sound principles of scientists, public health workers and other standards of US governance. They are cookie cutter judges and that is exactly why the Republicans like them.