The US military should be on it’s toes during the Trump-Putin Summit. Trump has the nuclear codes wherever he goes. I would assume the worst. The safest place in the world tomorrow is probably Putin’s office. We know where Melanie is, but, where is everyone else? If the answer is down a rabbit hole or in China we might have a real problem.
Ukraine is worried that Trump May formally recognize Crimea as a Russian possession. It can’t be any worse than when Rand-McNally changed their maps. The reason Ukraine is worried is because Trump stayed that could be a possibility on June 29th. My guess is that he will do exactly that. It means nothing because it takes an act of Congress to carry out such geographical changes.
Trump is a fool for Putin. I wish Trump hadn’t borrowed all that money. It is a hell of a thing to realize the President of the United States would first bankrupt the USA Treasury before selling out entirely to Russia for Trump Organization debt forgiveness.
I was reading where the Trump Organization phone calls to Russia after the sanctions were in place weren’t clandestine, according to the FBI. Of course they weren’t, they were for loan approval. That doesn’t make them any less dangerous!