Monday, June 11, 2018

"Good Night, Moon"

The waning crescent

26.5 days ago

10 percent lit

June 7, 2018

NASA-TV graphics illustrating (click here) Curiosity's findings on Mars, broadcast on June 7, 2018 from Goddard Space Flight Center. All clips are formatted in 1280x720 or higher resolution.

Everyone have their viewer set for 1280 X 720 resolution now? Sure? Because once one is finished watching all of the information at the link above, you too can be as qualified to speak about Mars as NASA is, right?

Everyone can be an astronaut and a Martian, right?

The problem with today's democracies is that they no longer value expertise. After all, everyone can be anything if you learn enough over the internet. Stop believing your government is the problem and that there is a deep state that is the enemy. The stupidity of the year 2018 is all to obvious and citizens need to be citizens and vote for people qualified and dedicated to governing and not idiots that sell an image and promises they no longer care to keep while they occupy power.

Knock it off. GO TO COLLEGE and if you don't know what to study begin as many great people begin and take Liberal Arts.

Every astronaut, every scientist in extreme environments has to be self-sufficient with detailed knowledge of how to survive. It can't be learned on the internet. The status of an astronaut or science specialist anywhere on Earth or in outer space is achieved, not granted. There are no honorary degrees to fly into outer space. (click here)