Wednesday, February 14, 2018

This isn't good. The White House is blatantly protecting itself with misinformation while there is testimony happening in Congress. That is more than an oops.

Sarah, get a clue. Trump is not a good boss if he is CYAing all the time, demands loyalty and allows professionals to be unprofessional with minimally ethics violations.

February 14, 2018
By Aaron Blake

The White House (click here) is flailing with the Rob Porter scandal right now. And Tuesday afternoon laid that bare.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was peppered with questions after FBI Director Christopher A. Wray earlier in the day seemed to contradict the White House’s timeline. But while her answers might have explained what Wray said, they conflict with what the White House said previously.

In Wray’s testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he said the FBI had closed its handling of Porter’s background investigation for a security clearance in January. Wray said: “What I can tell you is that the FBI submitted a partial report on the investigation in question in March, and then a completed background investigation in late July; that, soon thereafter, we received request for follow-up inquiry, and we did the follow-up and provided that information in November; and that we administratively closed the file in January.”...