Thursday, October 22, 2015

I want reimbursement to the US Treasury from the GOP.

 5:02 PM

Congresswoman: "...there is a distinction between...ask you when looking at two memos provided to the former Secretary....Would Libya fall into the parameters of tab 8 and 32.

Hillary Clinton: "...a new normal discussed in a memo...lack of effective security and the security for Benghazi is not forthcoming...I was all something we were aware of and these kind of assessments were not war zones where we were operating...There was no recommendation regarding these war zones to abandon Tripoli or Benghazi."

Congresswoman "What prevented you from making decisions on your own regarding these facts." 

Hillary Clinton: "We were trying to provide more security through the Libyan government....regarding what Beth Jones was discussing in the memo...." 

She deferred to the late Ambassador. 

Congresswoman: "$20 million...pointed at Congress regarding the security requests...there was money for Libya by the former Secretary, but, no money for the people on the ground."

Hillary Clinton is explaining the standards for funding as it occurs within DEDICATED funds in the department. Additionally, she has stated the advise of abandoning the Libya embassy and consulate was not forthcoming. She states the department was underfunded and is appreciative of the new levels of funding.

Congresswoman: Sharline Lamb's statement is different than Hillary Clinton's reply. There were many alerts and warning about Libya. Those warnings are not necessarily relevant to the State Department. The Congresswoman again brings up the idea the Late Ambassador was Hillery Clinton's friend. 

Okay folks this is getting sillier. Hillary Clinton already stated the relationship with the Late Ambassador Stevens was about business. He did not have any personal information, including her private email.

5:15 PM

Congressman: The August email that is just quoted has been knowledge for years and never subpoenaed for the committee. This memo was already attended to by Congress.

"Daryl Issa has been stated that the committee was to shape the debate for 2016." of Rep. Issa..."The facts that you (Hillary Clinton) would contribute to the issues in Benghazi is already known to be an empty observation....Drone...two Marine platoons...Special Operations unit from USA...Howard Buck McKeon...given where the troops were and how quickly it dissipated the military could not have done more....Did you order Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to stand down on the night of the attacks?"

Hillary Clinton: "Of course not, Congressman...everyone possible was scrambling...looked to find anything that was near Benghazi..." 

Tape played regarding the different violence across the world inspired by the inflammatory video.  

Congressman: "What was your assessment of..."

Hillary Clinton: "...there were numerous protests and they were dangerous....Tunis...we knew from monitoring the media it was a hot issue and it was not going away...we worried about what might happen on Friday which is a day of prayer for the Muslims....thousands of demonstrators in Tunisia at the US Embassy...the Ambassador and his team were desperate for help...their calls to the Tunisian government went unanswered...her calls were initially unanswered...She called the President to help the Embassy...He sent his presidential guard to help the American embassy...the crowd was dispensed and the damage was excessive...Khartoum (capital of Sudan) was under attack...Embassies all the way to Indonesia was under attack...she called and messaged to heads of state to protect her personnel in their countries."

5:27 PM

Congressman: "Confused as to why all this information..."

Hillary Clinton: "...I think it is important to look at the totality...." 

Congressman: "...her sleepless nights...what else could you have done?"

Hillary Clinton: "...she is trying to tell the Congressman what she feels could have been done differently..." He is not impressed. 

Congressman: "1. Contractors what is number 2?"

Hillary Clinton: "Dedicated forces...a rotating presence on the compound...analysis of expert security officers have looked at this  and made recommendations."

Congressman: "He recognizes his frailties as well as hers....outer perimeter was unarmed Blue Mountain...a wall and then a robust American security presence inside the compound....he objects to the adjective robust....the robust American presence on the inside."

Hillary Clinton: "...they did the best they could...Admiral Mullens wanted to know why they didn't fire their weapons and the personnel inside the compound stated it would have caused more concentrated  attention on the compound."

"The located in the USA...Langley Air Force Base ... 

F-15, F/A-18 demo teams to perform at Air Fest '05 (click here)

"...Ddeployment of the FEST is made in many was not as quick as she felt the FBI would be to Benghazi..."

OMG, she has to state the same words over and over. These have to be commercials for re-election. 

She has a great deal of patience.


Congressman: "Doesn't understand the focus of the collegues spent some time...critiquing something called the Clinton Doctrine...believes the personal attacks are political...Sydney Blumenthal...he doesn't understand the preoccupation with him...not a member here has not had friends that have sent emails...we are often too busy to answer them....they don't want the American people to know what they have asked...the deposition 160 questions about Sydney relationship with Clintons...270 questions about business questions about Benghazi...that is Sydney Blumenthal by the numbers....Accountability of the State Department...previous attacks elsewhere...there were far different results from the investigation...I think the Democrats were torn sitting at the committee today...we feel this is a personal attack on you (Hillary Clinton) source and others there was a protest and then it became an attack...a week to ten days later we got the videos and there was no protest...what Ambassador Rice and you have said is not inconsistent with that information....he finds it fascinating about a seventeen year old ARB and not faith in the information from centric fact of them all is that you were running for President with high poll numbers. I state this because I don't want this to happen today or in the future..."Let's pull out the Benghazi issue again, it served us well before...Would you like to comment on the Tanzania report..."

Hillary Clinton: "Secretary Morell...whether we are talking about CIA or other departments, decisions are not made at the Secretary level..." 


Congressman: " raised the video..."

Did we just straighten out the videos? The activities of the attackers in Benghazi was not known until the videos were sent to the Congress.  Hillary repeats the same information she has provided before and in multiples. These are political agendas. I can't believe how repetitive the questions are and how malicious they are.

Congressman: "Privately your story is different than in public...the intelligence may have changed and your story to the American people didn't change...." We just did this by the Democratic Ranking Member Congressman. Her private life with her friends and family are not the business of Congress. Was there not ten days that went by before any of the dialogue with the public could be changed?

Ya know, the State Department returned emails that were personal in nature to Hillary Clinton. The only reason the email to her family was included in the emails to Congress and the public was because it mentions Benghazi. That is a personal email. There isn't anything that was classified. The family email should have been returned to her. 

The Republicans are determined to do the impossible and have the former Secretary charged with some kind of legal baloney. Or at least make it appear to be same and of course the Obama Administration would never hurt the dear Hillary Clinton and her 'baby' in Libya.

There is no purpose to this questioning except hopes to have her indict herself in some way or another. 

No one had a baby in Libya that I know. Perhaps Kenya, but, not Libya. 

6:04 PM Break.

Continued in next entry.