Thursday, October 23, 2014

The article doesn't name names, but, at UNC their curriculum is signed off by the Office of the Provost.

The Provost has to sign off on the curriculum that the Registrar records as a university student proceeds through their degree. The Registrar has to review the academic record to issue a graduated diploma in the major and minor of the student's focus. Having African Americans registered under the major that has the same name also would fend off investigation by the Registrar's office in any trend by athletic students. The administration generally would not want to offend any student by being suspicious of their major, especially with minority students. The university's culture is highly suspect, too.

It is my understanding that every course registered for matriculation into a degree has to have a syllabus which lists instructor, instructor open hours to students, room, meeting time of day and days of the week, textbook/electronic alternative and course content. There are some online classes, but, they still have to have a qualified instructor, text and syllabus. The Provost in order to sign off on the course as part of the university's catalog leading to degree requirements would have to have reviewed the syllabus and it's content in relation to degree achievement.

This means the athletes at the university were targeted for fraud before they were even recruited. It is also racist. The classes were in the department of African American studies assuming those recruited were going to be young black men.

October 23, 2014
...The UNC case (click here) stands out among academic scandals at Harvard, Duke and the Naval Academy, said Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education who studies cheating.
“I think the existence of fake classes and automatic grades — you might say an athlete track, where essentially you might as well not have the university at all — I think that’s pretty extreme. I hope it’s pretty extreme,” he said....

UNC's athletic department needs to be scrutinized and possibly suspended from it's conferences. They are a bunch of racists who decided to victimize young black men. They treated potentially recruits as if they were incapable of academic achievement as  a group. In other words, the recruits were considered 'a class of citizen' with merits as athletes but incapable of learning anything else. That is racism in a very big way. One could say it continues to be an extension of the slave culture of the south, capable of physical labor but unable to have cognitive ability.