If the Democrats are ever going to reclaim Texas' First District for the House it will have to be a candidate that can get the attention of the electorate and run the same chronic propaganda dialogue paradigm as Gomert does. That holds true for any District or Senate seat, ie: Cruz, there chronic propaganda floats the electorate. It is possible to win those seats, but, the candidate has to know the territory and have the dedication to pursue it. It is just that these extremists are so far out of step with reality they actually can be dangerous to the country.
It is interesting to me Texas 1 (click here) is so extreme and in need of chronic, daily propaganda while it sits right at the border of Louisiana.
What is more interesting is that the change from Democratic leadership in Louisiana to Republican happened at the same time of redistricting and Gomert. If I were a Louisiana candidate for anything, I'd be advertising in District 1 Texas, too. Nothing like a friendly 'wave' to the friends and relatives.
Just to reassure everyone their jobs won't disappear along with their impoverished quality of life. Only god knows how much can happen if citizens weren't proving the worthiness of their souls in balance with union rejection and the achievement of Middle Class incomes. No one wants the petroleum industry to lose it's footing after all.
Just a reality check: The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare really is the answer for saving Moms from dying to take care of their children and be a comfort to their husbands.
It is interesting to me Texas 1 (click here) is so extreme and in need of chronic, daily propaganda while it sits right at the border of Louisiana.
What is more interesting is that the change from Democratic leadership in Louisiana to Republican happened at the same time of redistricting and Gomert. If I were a Louisiana candidate for anything, I'd be advertising in District 1 Texas, too. Nothing like a friendly 'wave' to the friends and relatives.
Just to reassure everyone their jobs won't disappear along with their impoverished quality of life. Only god knows how much can happen if citizens weren't proving the worthiness of their souls in balance with union rejection and the achievement of Middle Class incomes. No one wants the petroleum industry to lose it's footing after all.
Just a reality check: The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare really is the answer for saving Moms from dying to take care of their children and be a comfort to their husbands.