Thursday, January 24, 2013

There are more gun deaths in the USA than car deaths.

This graph came from Wikipedia. It shows the frequency of motor vehicle accidents in the USA up to 2010.

The statistic states clearly there is one death per 10,000 people per year. In a  nation of 300 million, as of 2010 the number of car deaths per year is 30,000.

Below is an article written in comparison of Australian laws and the results there and the USA. The article, if put into context with the graph, the death rate would be up to 2006 and have a far higher death rate.

There Are 32,000+ Gun Deaths A Year in the U.S. — Here is How We Get That Number to Zero (click here)

...The average annual number of handgun deaths in the 5-year period before the legislation was put in place in Australia was only a little over 500. In the United States, the total number of hand gun deaths (1980-2006) is more than 32,000 per year. Firearms are involved in 68% of homicides, 52% of suicides, 43% of robberies, and 21% of aggravated assaults. With 60 times the number of deaths (and a similar number of families devastated) time will tell if the American people and politicians have the will to overcome the powerful lobbies of gun owners and manufacturers that have created the current gun climate and will resist change violently....

What I find most interesting about the article besides its problem solving, is the recognition gun deaths includes more than just homicides. All too often, the NRA and Pro Gun Zealots leave out the real devastation in society. Guns are also ASSISTANTS in crime without resulting in a death. So, the IMPACT of guns on society goes far beyond homicides; it contributes to the CONFIDENCE of those committing crime.