Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh, good, "The Year of the Outrageous Cover Photo."

We honestly don't know when the First Gay President will arrive, but, if he or she is half the President as Barack Hussein Obama the country will do well.

...The accompanying story (click here) is by Andrew Sullivan, a conservative writer who is gay, who recounts how he was moved to tears when Obama endorsed gay marriage in an interview last week with ABC News....

Mr. Sullivan believes President Obama's heritage of a mixed racial marriage has provided insight to the plight of second class citizens in the USA.

..."I have always sensed that he intuitively understands gays and our predicament—because it so mirrors his own. And he knows how the love and sacrifice of marriage can heal, integrate, and rebuild a soul. The point of the gay-rights movement, after all, is not about helping people be gay. It is about creating the space for people to be themselves. This has been Obama's life's work. And he just enlarged the space in this world for so many others, trapped in different cages of identity, yearning to be released and returned to the families they love and the dignity they deserve."...

Mr. Sullivan is incorrect, President Obama is a well integrated person BECAUSE he was provided a secure home and a loving family that surrounds him. Mr. Sullivan needs to realize there are many people that do not come from mixed racial background that can understand his plight. He does not have to rationalize bigotry and hatred and the lack of it.

The President simply stated on a personal level he, no different than I, have come to know people of different sexual identity and admire them as we would any other person with accomplished lives. He, as I, recognize they are no different in their emotional content then anyone else. There is no covert agenda within the LGBT community to seduce young minds into a counter culture that the Political Religious Right Wing believes will happen.

I find it more than amusing to realize others are having a difficult time understanding, yet alone agreeing, with President Obama. People actually don't understand others? They don't stop to drop the macho dictates of the church in their lives to COMMUNE with reality? Amazing.

Bigotry of other citizens is not written into the USA Constitution. Maybe. Just maybe. That might be a good place for them to start!