The Supreme Court (click title to entry - thank you) has ruled 8-1 that laws restricting the rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to protest military funerals are unconstitutional. This is the cultish church, run by Fred Phelps and his family, that takes rainbow-colored "God Hates Fags" signs to every tragic event that's going to get media attention -- it was only really when they started adding the funerals of Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers to the agenda that states and Congress started banning their movement. From John Roberts's opinion:...
The Supreme Court ruling is a challenge to the USA military. There needs to be an "Honor GUARD" available able to supply a 'peace barrier' to grieving families if they request it. The USA military should make it known to all these families the option exists.
It can be diffilcult to hear 'Taps' being played when there is a lot of disruption.
This should also provide an opportunity to funeral directors that want to carry out peaceful ceremony to the families of the dead.
Let's put 'respect' back in the lives of grieving families. These groups do it for the money. That impetus to giving life meaning should be investigated as well including the SOURCES of their monies that faciliate these acts. I've known some serious disrupters in my day when it comes to demonstrating against war and they would never pull anything like this. There is a limit to any opposition. Funerals are about families and respect for the life of the dead, not about the politicians that enter into illegal and immoral wars.
Thank you.