The definitions of small government takes on all kinds of connotations for citizens. Some feel their government intrudes on their decisions while others complain of the cost and taxes.
The purpose of government is to protect the citizen and enhance their quality of life while enforcing laws that prevent exploitation. That may or may not be measured by size or cost. It does however mean that EFFECTIVE government is what is being sought by citizens.
There is absolutely one thing TRUE about 'insufficient' government as was supplied by the Bush/Cheney White House; it resolves to corruption at the local level. If federal statutes are not enforced, the State will slack off in its enforcement of federal laws. If the State statutes are not enforced, the local government will slack off in its enforcement of State laws. If local government seeks to enforce a cultural government whether it be religious or criminal, there is absolutely nothing to stop them if the State and Federal governments are in sufficiently staffed and funded.
SMALL GOVERNMENT as it is advocated by the Evangelicals and the Republicans is costly to the citizen by exploitation of anarchy. Small government is dangerous and a social experiment. Small government breeds corruption with absolutely nothing stopping it.