"...the government does not need more income right now..."
We have seen these wackos before in the way of a Senator from Pennsylvania, Former Senator Santorum. The House Republicans will become so bizarre it will put Christine O'Donnell to shame.
When politicians are seeking to 'grandstand' it is my understanding they aren't governing, they are playing politics for media exploitation and populism.
The Republican Zealots are on the loose. They actually want to do away with government to the extent it enforces the law. That means ridding the President's Cabinet of a budget and shutting down the government.
The same people that pursue these goals also believe in guns and militias. If government shuts down who is going to provide protection to the President. Oh, wait. They don't consider the President to be important unless he is as deranged as they are.
When politicians are seeking to 'grandstand' it is my understanding they aren't governing, they are playing politics for media exploitation and populism.