...Rigorous U.S. scientific studies (click title to entry - thank you) have not substantiated the claim that abortion, compared with its alternatives, causes an increased incidence of mental health problems. The same conclusion was reached in 2008 by an American Psychological Association task force, which I chaired, as well as by an independent team of scholars at Johns Hopkins University. As recently as September, Oregon State University researchers announced the results of a national study showing that teenagers who have an abortion are no more likely to become depressed or to have low self-esteem one year or five years later, compared with their peers who deliver....
What is so astounding about the 'Pro-Life' stand of the evangelical Christians is that it is a CULTURAL issue. The Evangelicals would have the USA dominated by their culture and its dogma while they deny Muslims the sanity of their own SAFE practice of their faith. They hatefully stand to stop the building of a Mosque where the Imam is seeking peace and inclusion, but, they will force adverse economic choices on women alone and in economic hardship. The Evangelicals that are behind this movement are bigoted. Sarah Palin, their icon is as bigoted as they are. She seeks no understanding of the issue of abortion, only stands in ridicule of it. Palin and the Evangelicals that surround her and her movement are ignorant.
I the reporting of the Faith and Freedom Coalition somewhat interesting about the 118 new Tea Party House members. While claiming to be Republicans, 36 to 38 are Moderates and THREE are LIBERALS. I do not believe the Evangelicals have a corner on ANYTHING except arrogance.