Ric Feld/Associated Press
Ralph Reed, with his family, conceding the Republican nomination for Georgia lieutenant governor Tuesday night.
Mr. Reed is one of two men claiming success during the recent elections of 2010. He also claims responsibility for the elections of Massachusetts and Virginia. Quote, "We won in Massachusetts and Virginia and they (The DNC) never took us seriously and that is why we won as we did this year."
Ralph Reed is responsible for the media circus surrounding this election. There is an interesting fact about him though.
Jack Abramoff, Norquist and Reed formed what was known as the "Abramoff-Norquist-Reed triumvirate." Abramoff promoted Reed in 1983, appointing him to succeed Norquist as Executive Director of the CRNC. Norquist would later serve as President of Americans for Tax Reform, an anti-tax nonprofit lobbying firm in Washington, D.C.
A U.S. District Court judge in Washington has granted Ney’s request for a U.S. passport. The same judge had ordered the passport revoked in 2007, shortly after the former five-term Congressman pleaded guilty to a federal bribery charge.
Why did Bernanke's release of $600 billion to Wall Street spell so bad? This is the 'old gang' back again. You'll never convince me that Bernanke didn't act out of political venturism.
To begin, he would fear for his job with a change in tide of leadership if he didn't express his appreciation. But, it was also very obvious this was a political priority. He stated he didn't consider inflation to be a threat.
I guess not.
At least not today.
Corruption runs very deep among Republicans. It is a matter of loyalty and expressing it in appropriate ways that matters. Bush's old speech writer violated 'the code of conduct' and he was sent packing from his job. It is just the way it is. Did anyone ever ask Reed how Jack was doing?