It is safe to say the methodology Republicans use to justify their very existence is not constitutional under USA law and certainly a danger to most cultures in the world.
Above is the headquarters of Halliburton in Dubai. It is safe to say Halliburton is a Poster Child for corporations that rose to 'power' (not esteem) during the 30 years of Republican domination in the USA. Halliburton has proved itself UNWORTHY of government contracts in the USA, in Iraq and I would anticipate the United Nations to begin a list of 'troubled assets' of countries throughout the world.
Halliburton was given 'no bid' contracts to save Cheney from being sued as their former CEO, showed up in Iraq with some of the most shoddy work a construction company could pull off killing Iraqis and USA military as well. It then 'moved on' to Dubai where its Executives 'abandoned' personal debt when Dubai fell into fiscal difficulties. Nearly overnight the Halliburton Expatriots found themselves comfortably back in Houston, Texas.
Halliburton no longer has a 'sustainable' reputation and the only means it has to sustain at all is when it presents as a legitimate contractor with unblemished accomplishments to government contracts. It can manipulate its poor management, which started under the leadership of Dick Cheney, to later cast off HBR as 'its problem' while changing none of its work ethic. The management stayed the same and its exploitative 'character' went on to places like Saudi Arabia.
When will companies PROVEN to be undesirable actually be ostraciized into oblivion on the global stage? Never? Will their CEOs simply retire in comfort after scalping the 'public trust' of billions in their 'tenure at the top' or should there be 'real life' consequences for even attempting to carry away immoral profits from a country's treasury?
I believe those CEOs that have garnered the reputation of being incompetent costing nations and their treasuries hardship, regardless of that definition as measured in fiscal assets or human assets, should be listed to the extent they have been toxic to global activities and outcomes. There are many, many instances where that is true, including environmental atrocities that have caused not only damage to the natural world, but, cancers and human deaths.
What exists today in the wake of the former Republican Regime in the USA are corporations with bloated treasuries that have occurred through power plays and fear mongering. It has to stop. Listing these corporations and their CEOs as global entities with undesirable outcomes in their contracts will begin to inhibit their growth and ultimately will remove them from the world stage of exploitation.
Government contracts are 'an entity' that are only monitored by loose associations with accountability offices. It is extremely easy for corporations to take advantage of a country where the realization of their activities do not show up for many, many years and then too late to do anything about it. The Global Community has to have a resource whereby activities of these companies can be known before the fact so tragedy and exploitation can be minimized and stopped.
A country such as Haiti is a prime 'target' for companies seeking monies unfairly. Its leadership may not have the abilities to monitor the activities of these entities and may not even realize there is something grossly wrong with their conduct until too late. If the people of the Third World are to be removed from poverty and use by networks of violence, their governments have to be able to access companies with good reputations and known ability to work within infrastructure to bring about improvements the people need. Measurable and sustaining improvements that are gone with the next wind that blows through.
And lastly, within the political infrastructure of the USA lies a powerful party that has not only ideologies that are toxic to the electorate that sides with them, but, also seeks to destroy the government of the USA for its own purposes. There is no way the USA, with 300 million inside of its borders and a reputation on a global scale can ever shrink its 'government structure' so much to disintegrate vital services to communities, including education and health care, without realizing it is outside the boundaries of its very Constitution.
The USA Constitution provides for a FUNCTIONING infrastructure that enhances its methods of democracy. To allow a political entity to deceive and lie in order to gain prominence based in unattainable goals is a travesty to the people of this country. It also sets no example to other governments and political parties to an example of how best to 'carry out corruption.'
The Republican Party is a toxic asset in the USA and should never be allowed once again to influence the outcomes of the USA military or its domestic policies that literally robs generations of their Treasury assets. That 'BRAND' has to be placed solidly on that party without the ability to be erased.
The United States of America is about being 'cutting edge,' providing opportunity and providing defense to itself and its allies. It is called sovereignty. Today the USA has a questionable sovereignty and there are indications that President Obama indeed has removed the dissolution of that sovereignty since taking office.
The point is, the eight years of the Bush/Cheney Regime should be 'witness enough' to prove the danger such a political entity that is 'too big to fail' has on the very sovereignty of its government. The multi-party system is a good system, but, needs to be guarded from political media that seeks to 'steer' a 'certain' direction of the electorate. The political media under Bush/Cheney became a 'toxic asset' itself and needs to be stopped.
Denial of what occurred during the years 2000 - 2008 is NOT an option, regardless of the political bargaining that has gone on during that time to secure 'the freedoms' of those that participated.