There is a lot that has to happen in Haiti to secure the lives of people living along the fault between the huge North American Plate and the far, far smaller Caribbean Plate. It will happen again. No telling when and to simply have an 'alarm system' in place to warn of an earthquake won't solve the problem either.
To begin the worst that can happen here is for corruption through government contracts to take place and give these people even worse conditions to live in than they had before. That said, it is best for the USA to offer the services of the much maligned Army Corp of Engineers to help with any return to 'buiding' again. Until that 'legitimacy' takes place within the country the USA government is best to help establish 'buildings' again. There is no need for any country to rush into government contracts that will ultimately not serve the Haitian people in a productive way.
There is a reason why 'huts' sometimes work best in tropical paradise for citizens that cannot afford to live in quake proof hi-rises. And that is the 'best' venue for building in Haiti. Condos. Hi-rise condos that are quake proof. Significantly, quake proof.
But, before that occurs the Haitian people need an economy. In this case, I don't really think I would mind outsourcing American jobs in customer service to the people there. It would be a start for them with a vigor import business where the government derives income from 'import taxes.'
Imports that would include food and clothing items. China would be a good partner to the lower cost imports to serve their people. There needs to be schools for children and adults. Adult learning centers that focus on 'marketable skills' to move into functional condos that would insure their lives in a far better manner than any other masonry existing today. I don't see George W. Bush bringing in Halliburton to help either.
The people of Haiti need 'quality' improvements to their lives and infrastructure, NOT, exploited ones and Republican cronies have a long history of exploiting 'third world' people, heck they exploit the USA military, instead of being 'constructive.'
If the world governments are to be successful in Haiti to 'secure' the people away from such disaster, the United Nations needs to ask for 'an overview and plan' for reconstruction. The United Nations needs to 'set standards' and 'required building materials' for construction within Haiti. This should not be an opportunity for 'contracts for money' necessarily, so much as 'contracts of compassion' whereby profits after expensives are returned to the Haitian government.
This country has been ignored long enough and now we have one of the worst disasters known to human history on our hands. Thousands upon thousands dead. The Haitian people need answers and not more problems. I would hope the United Nations would exert extreme oversight to all that is to transpire there and that might mean putting a hold on projects for reassurance to the QUALITY of the work.
This is not a matter of rhetoric. It is a matter of experience and known reputation. The people of Haiti need to have skills including construction skills taught to them. If the Haitians are building their infrastructure they will be sure they are safe from any kind of disaster to this proportion again. And the quakes will occur again and again and again in the history of this country.
I have great hopes for a people their Prime Minister believes are 'sturdy' people that will come through this disaster with hope for their futures. I would dearly expect a compassion 'global community' to see to it that such a future insures its well being and not just efforts to 'tidy up' the place from time to time.
This needs to be the last time such a huge disaster ever strikes Haiti. I am confident their people will desire a better future than simply 'live through one.' We need 'severe' GLOBAL MORAL POLICE to insure these people are secured from disaster. I would hope that would be effortless for most of the countries on Earth. No squandering of Haiti's assets through global generosity. They are counting on us to be vigilant to their best outcomes. Thank you.
And no more of this. Dust is bad for the lungs and bad for the environment, especially, if the Haitians are to practice good conservation with restoration efforts to their biotic content for the benefit of tourism. The Haitian nation can contribute to the Global Carbon Sinks and help with Human Induced Global Warming.