It eventually was going to come to pass, that the dread China held against Falun Gong was going to be an asset in the cyber age.
Members of the Falun Gong have been notorious in China for their agility with internet skills to bring focus to oppression in China. There were many attacks in the USA for a long time by members of this religious cult. Their members were imprisoned and it only makes sense that China would eventually make them an asset to their 'spy network.' The members are very gifted in maneuvering around the worldwide web and now they probably do work for the government through lucrative contracts. China never had to train them. They were trained through years of activism. For all I know, the Falun Gong cult was trying to sell their skills to the Chinese government, but, only in recent years since Google entered the market place there have they been worth anything to the Chinese government as spies.
China needs to take 'ownership' of the fact there have been cyber attacks 'globally' from within its borders and the recent being directed at the intelligence infrastructure of the USA military that has threatened the USA's national security.
Hello? Denial won't get them anywhere. This has been a long time problem and the attacks can be traced right back into China.
The Chinese government has entered into what they want to hide as benign 'hacking' and mischievous citizens, but, its time that both the USA and China come to terms through written diplomatic documents there are issues and they need to be solved. China can no longer deny they are oppressing their citizens from educating themselves to the history of activism within that country. It is long lived and has been oppressed from the culture for quite some time now.
The truth is the Chinese government was never able to oppress the activism within their own borders. It has been passed down for generations now by word of mouth. Local legend, if you will. Just because it wasn't official doesn't mean it didn't exist. The Chinese want to maintain a facade of 'innocence' to such episodes and for awhile they could, but, when the hacking serves 'the purposes' of official government knowledge about American intelligence assets, it no longer is a legitimate stand.
China is either going to embrace the sophistication of its people, move out of the way of progress and allow freedom of expression or it will regress to an isolated giant with few legitimate secure internet ties to the real world. China has existed regardless of oppression, NOT, because of it. It is time for China to throw off its insecurities and believe in the abilities of its people. Spying is not a dignified identity for Chinese cyber talent. It is not like it is a 'giant leap.' All China has to do is stand out of the way of its people and the information they crave. It seems far too late for them to do otherwise anyway. The Chinese government needs to recognize the 'long lived' freedoms of the Chinese people through 'innate talents' that have existed for decades now. It is silly not to 'go there.'
The 'information age' is an economy all to itself. Just think of the books that will be sold that were never sold before and the infrastructure that can be built in the most distant provinces when 'education' can take place at the click of a mouse. It is time China got out of its own way and provided amusement for its people through modern day approaches to technology. Just think of the modern farming techniques alone the people of China can learn through government sponsored education? China is inhibiting its own abilities while stopping the progress of its peaceful people.
It was never 'permission' its populous wanted, it was 'to proceed.' Russia is proof that a communist government can exist in the cyber age and thrive as well. There is absolutely no reason for China to remain 'removed' from its own 'truth,' now is there? It is simply 'fear' that prevents the well being of the Chinese citizen to include internet access and information. Their history is probably known to them, but, simply 'pretend' to ignore it for the benefit of the 'integrity' of its government. The Chinese people want a 'noble' relationship with its government, not a covert one. The Chinese government hasn't got anything to lose by being open and honest, but, simply to embrace all forms of their cultural experience. The Truth really isn't a threat to any government, simply a transition.
It would seem as though someone has gone missing within the massive infrastructure that is China. Let's hope no one has hurt him. That can't be good. The Chinese government needs to address the fears that exist within its culture and stop this silliness among its people.
BEIJING — Chinese lawyers and a US-based rights group on Friday demanded that Beijing police locate a prominent attorney who disappeared in September, seven months after being taken into custody.
According to the US-based ChinaAid rights group, the family of Gao Zhisheng was recently told by police that the lawyer went "missing" in September, prompting fears by the group that he was beaten to death in prison.
"It is totally unacceptable for the Chinese government to lose track of their own prisoner," said ChinaAid's president Bob Fu.
"It is absolutely clear that he was forcibly taken from his home in February 2009. Nearly a year later, the Chinese government now says they do not have him."
According to ChinaAid, the police officer that took Gao into custody recently told Gao's brother, Gao Zhiyi, that the lawyer has been "missing" since September 25.
Repeated phone calls by AFP to Gao's brother were not answered Friday. Colleagues of the lawyer also said they could not contact the family....