You've got to be joking ! This is a Republican methodology to insure a FOREVER war. I am glad Kyl brought it up.
The way to a successful war for any approach by the USA military is to plan, plan and plan some more. Not to simply waltz into a country just because it is politically advantageous to the Republicans to do it.
In his 'speech' on FOX, Kyl stated it would be a mistake to 'talk about' an exit strategy as it would cause the Taliban to lay in wait for our exit to simply return to business as ususal. That is about the most moronic statement I have ever heard anyone make. That is a 'favored' Republican 'line' that Bush resorted to frequently in regard to Iraq and otherwise. The Taliban and al Qaede knows the USA will eventually leave a country and not occupy it. Kyl is a moron.
The war in Afghanistan and Pakistan is as much about poverty as it is religion. It is as much about returning function to the governments of those countries as it is defeating al Qaeda. The favorite way for al Qaeda to establish its presence in a country is to 'convert the people to fear' from within its own infrastructure. Al Qaeda cannot wage a legitimate war, so it seeks to undermine the national security of a country and undermine the government through chants that it can level violence whenever it wants and the government can't stop them.
That strategy by al Qaeda and the Taliban is used 'all the time' to remind the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan whom exactly are the real bosses. It is chronic terror and fear laced with abject poverty that erode the confidence of the people in regard to their governments of these countries and create turmoil within their political framework. It is why Karzai's government was corrupted.
If Kyl were remotely correct, the 'idea' of talking about an exit strategy would then cause the Taliban and al Qaede to 'lay low' for years. That sounds like a very good idea, actually. If the opposition to peace, stability and economic opportunity could be left alone to flourish within these countries we wouldn't have to worry about the Taliban or al Qaeda ever revisiting the power to the government again.
However, that is NOT how it works. If all we had to do was talk exit strategy, we basically wouldn't need a military presence, except, to set out some 'Police/Military Parker Cars' to scare them off while the propaganda was the USA and NATO will be leaving on December 31st of this year. To have the pleasure of simply talking exit strategy to oppress the Taliban and al Qaeda from violence while bring peace and stability to the region would be nice and a real victory for "Psy-Ops," but, that ain't ever going to happen.
Al Qaeda, 'The Base' creates scenarios of violence on a regular basis and with the focus of 'soft targets' including children's schools and functional government offices of top level authority and police stations that seek to patrol the streets to assist citizens IF ONLY THEY HAD A CHANCE. All those targets are chosen to undermine the confidence of the people of the region and for the most part when the USA is preceived as lacking the strength or the knowledge to actually carry out a strategy to establish sovereignty to a country, the violence escalates. The terrorist network claims they are successful as the precense of the USA and NATO is nothing but a 'failing daily grind.'
Having benchmarks and an exit strategy shows confidence and realistic expectations by our military and if they 'leave the path' of benchmarks there then needs to be some serious talks with Pakistan regarding the nuclear capacity of their country and global security from terrorists and THEIR OWN citizens that seek power to kill over benevolence to economy.
Kyl is exactly why the USA was defeated in Afghanistan under Bush. The Republicans 'war all the time' and feel confident they can revisit any war so long as there is enough threat to the national security of the USA and allies. Revisiting Afghanistan was a 'signature' moment to the Republicans when the reality of the region was so grossly out of control and there was more danger to the global community than before September 11, 2001. The Republicans NEVER intend to win wars, simply to exploit the USA's military industrial complex for cronies and political strategy for wars without end.
If President Obama is sending troops to General McCrystal, it will be the FIRST strategy for the region in decades. It will map out a victory that will secure our nation and that of allies while bringing an economy the people of those nations can find a better quality of life. The problem for "Psy Ops" is to bring the feeling of 'fear and turmoil' under control while the military does 'its thing.' Sometimes people become used to violence and when it no longer has a presence or is sounding off rather than birds singing, it becomes somewhat unnatural. Peace, prosperity and a quality of life are so 'distant' ideas to the peoples of these countries it would almost be a threat to their basic instincts if it actually occurred.
Talking about an exit strategy will be good for the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the framework of priorities of the governments. Talking about an exit strategy by the peoples of these nations that will result in better lives, economies and actual longevity without debilitating injury SHOULD be a priority of the governments and their people.
Enough of the Republican 'fantasies' of PERHAPS PEACE. It is time the USA and NATO get their best results known to them and if they find out that the citizens of these countries are not capable of enough backbone to bring about a peaceful economy with the rest of the world, then Pakistan HAS TO disarm from nuclear capacity before it will become an inconceivable danger to the globe while it is ALSO trying to stabilize economies and cultures.
Kyl is such a joke. But completely indicative to Republican Horse Hockey. When are Democrats going to be elected in Arizona? It is has the most extremist of Republicans in Kyl and McCain and their replacement is LONG overdue!Maybe it is all those alien encounters, both terrestrial and space ship that is the problem there.
Kyl in the Senate for the Republicans. Warmonger and crony politician.
...Secondly, talk of an exit strategy is exactly the wrong way to go. And I hear that on the -- in the media. I certainly hope the president doesn't do that, because all that does is signal to the enemies and also to our allies, to the folks in Pakistan as well as the Afghanis, that we're not there to stay until the mission is accomplished....