...The president is now briefing the UK, French and Russian leaders on the plan. (click title to entry - thank you)
The moves come as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he would send 500 more soldiers to the country.
According to US media reports, Mr Obama is set to formally announce that a further 30,000 troops are to be sent to Afghanistan in a televised address on Tuesday....
The moves come as British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he would send 500 more soldiers to the country.
According to US media reports, Mr Obama is set to formally announce that a further 30,000 troops are to be sent to Afghanistan in a televised address on Tuesday....
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs looks stressed. He stated, "...this is not an open ended commitment...." In order to be sure that is the case I see President Obama leading this country until the troops are finally home. No one else will be sure the war in Afghanistan is limited with the troops returning home after having to return to the war that should have been fought in the first place.
This has got to be the most difficult days for this administration. No one envisioned an Afghanistan corrupt and out of control on January 20, 2009. No one, except the Executive Branch that was leaving that day.
Afghanistan was the best kept secret of the Bush Executive Branch yet. Talk about blindsiding the American people. First it was Wall Street and then it was Afghanistan, what's left to know?
The people that acted 'in majority' for six years were nothing but 'censors' to information and liars to the truth. They were completely untrustworthy and the people had no way of knowing. I never thought I'd see the day the USA would be blinded and controlled by propaganda and rhetoric. Wow.