First-time voter Tanner Tillotson casts his ballot in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.
Under- 30's (click title to entry - thank you)
66% of under-30's showed their support for Obama - far higher than in any previous election - compared to 31% for McCain.
A staggering 54% of young white voters also went for Obama.
Overall, this also helped Obama secure a high number of first time voters; 71% of whom voted Democrat.
McCain only managed to secure 29% of first-time voters, compared to 53% for John Kerry in 2004.
Obama's youth - at 47 he is one of the youngest ever presidents - appealed to and energised many of those who were voting for the first time.
66% of under-30's showed their support for Obama - far higher than in any previous election - compared to 31% for McCain.
A staggering 54% of young white voters also went for Obama.
Overall, this also helped Obama secure a high number of first time voters; 71% of whom voted Democrat.
McCain only managed to secure 29% of first-time voters, compared to 53% for John Kerry in 2004.
Obama's youth - at 47 he is one of the youngest ever presidents - appealed to and energised many of those who were voting for the first time.