Thursday, July 09, 2009

It is time for the incompetent New York State Republicans to stop their antics.

First the New York State Republicans danced around issues of 'loyalty' by recruiting two Democrats (both of which have legal issues) to vote in their favor to take control of the State Legislature through 'Abracadabra measure, rather, than doing the business of the people.

Governor Patterson is not required by New York State Constitution to assign a Lieutenant Governor, but, tried to do so to act as a breaking vote to put the New York Senate back to work. Now that the N Y Republicans can't stall the processes of 'governance,' they have chosen to impeach the new Lieutenant by petitioning the New York State Courts in an attempt to prove Governor Patterson is outside his jurisdictional authority in assigning a Lieutenant.

The New York State Republicans in the Senate have abandoned their responsibilites to the people whom elected them and have chosen to 'game the power' of the State Governorship. Each 'gamer' should be impeached, not a highly qualified Lieutenant Governor.

The Republicans have turned it into a circus.