Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran is not falling apart. Quite the contrary. Why does The West always get it "W"rong.

I don't want another Tianamen Square. Why is the media hoping there is. The limitations by the Iranian government of the communication media is completely understandable. People have died. They don't want anymore.

The Iranian authorities have already promised to recount the votes in question. They won't abandon that directive. And kindly 'get it right,' the opposition party is a political party NOT an anti-government movement.

The Iranian government is attempting to quell the 'hype' surrounding this election. They don't want any more deaths. They want reasonable 'behavior.' Unfortunately, due to the 'quickness' of the reporting of the vote, some of the people feel as though the Iranian government is 'cheating' them out of their democratic directive. The quick reporting was a mistake and there may be a tainted vote. There should be an investigation to discern why 'the Iranian election process' was interrupted. There needs to be a full and transparent recount of the vote, however, there needs not to be an 'uprising.' The people will not win some kind of 'idea' of another revolution. They will have either elected a new President or not.

I think this election in Iran has been wonderfully spectacular and motivated into the direction of democracy. I am sincerely hoping there will be no more violence, but, just a peaceful and truthful reporting of the election outcome. The Iranian government is attempting to protect its people from any more confrontation, that is why they are closing down the media. It is a matter of 'lawlessness' that is motivating the tightening of Iranian media. I can't say they are wrong. The election is over. The counting of the vote is in question.

If the government is over reaching in providing fraud into the 'process' it will be most unfortunate. It will compromise the legitmacy of the Iranian government and will foster more suspicion and mistrust. I think Iran has an opportunity to legitmately provide valid election results and uphold the integrity of its people. If that doesn't happen it will be unfortunate.

I hope there are human rights organizations on the ground in Iran. There should be, but, its dangerous. I am concerned for the Iranian people. They have become very passionate about a new dynamic in their country and I am happy for them, but, in the same instance they have lost their perspective in some ways and are allowing to much fervor to taint their judgement in regard to their own safety from and with their government. They need to calm down and prepare to receive the results of the election. The outcome will be discussed for a long time regardless the person that actually won the election.

This election is not about over throwing the government, it is about establishing an election process that is truthful and worthy of the integrity of the Iranian people. The West is 'not' supposed to be a cheerleading section with aspirations of disrupting the governmet. It is supposed to be a 'model' for free and honest elections.

The issues regarding nuclear proliferation have to be addressed in other venues, not by attempting to direct the Iranian people into an irrational expectation of their election process. Displacing authority into the populous of the Iranian people will cost them their lives. We should have no part of that in any way.

John McCain can go straight to hell ! He is advocating hatred that could cause people their lives. It is idiotic. It is Neocon. It is more evident every day that goes by why he and Palin lost the election. "Bring it on." Right, John. That approach is idiotic. It is like Bush yelling across half the circumference of Earth at the people of Iraq. It is stupid. It endangers people's lives.

John McCain: President Obama not showing 'leadership' (click here)
6/17/09 5:30 PM

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) criticized President Barack Obama Wednesday for
failing to take a strong leadership role in voicing opposition to the election results in Iran.
“I do not believe that the president is taking the leadership that is incumbent upon an American president, which we have throughout modern history, and that is to advocate for human rights and freedom, and free elections are one of those fundamentals,” McCain said during an interview on CNN.
McCain said the president “obviously doesn’t agree” that Iranians have the right to protest the election results as a “fundamental principle.”
“We are seeking, as we have throughout the world, a free and fair election. This is obviously one that is corrupted,” the Republican senator said....