Dennis Miller is holding President Obama hostage because he is offended for being called 'An Arrogant American.'
Let's just examine ONE fact. Not a lot of facts, but, just ONE fact. And see if Americans qualify as arrogant.
This ONE fact isn't anything to boast about and it is the most passively deadly act the USA has ever committed to its own people and that of any other country on the plant. The ONE act by the USA that qualifies it as the MOST, not just 'an arrogant' nation, but, the MOST arrogant nation on the face of the Earth.
The United States of America emits 19.66 tonnes of carbon dioxide per capita per year.
The United States of America emits 1000 tonnes of CO2 every 5.3 SECONDS.
China emits 3.7 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year.
China (A THIRD World Country) emits 1000 tones of CO2 every 6.4 seconds.
Great Britian emits 9.23 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year.
Great Britian emits 1000 tonnes of CO2 every 56.1 seconds.
Need I go on? Well, maybe just one more. Let's 'pick on' India.
India emits 1.17 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year.
India emits 1000 tonnes of CO2 every 23.5 seconds.
Considering the United States of America had NO excuses to 'look the other way' except for the 30 years of Republican ? leadership ? which stated it wasn't economically feasible (You know the folks. The folks like Bush and Paulson that brought the world the fiscal collapse of the world in 2008.) to convert to any other form of energy than fossil fuels.
When considering the criticisms of President Obama CONSIDER the source. It might be that is more revealing than the criticism itself.