Thursday, September 04, 2008

Palin called everyone other than her supporters a religious bigot and stated her mayorship was more worthy than her governorship.

...I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening....

I guess God knew what he was doing when he decided Moses needed to jot down the ten commandments.

"Thou shalt not kill."

Except of course when your country enters an illegal and immoral war for oil and then its okay.

The speech was on the heels of the Giuliani rant. It was to 'bring to light' the importance of Mayors and why Ms. Palin had such valuable 'experience' that brings her to a national office as if she is actually competent to hold the Vice Presidency.

Sorry, but, being mayor, even of New York City where 'radios failed' and 'caused deaths' is very different than being a Vice President prepared for leadership in the Executive Branch of the USA. Let's face it. Giuliani lost his bid, okay?

Putting up cameras all over Alaska was a 'jobs issue' not a Homeland Security issue and it exploited the needs of a nation to prepare itself for other potential attacks from terrorists actually seeking 'WEAKNESSES' in the USA infrastructure to exploit. Does ANYONE actually think having Ms. Palin in the Vice Presidency isn't a national 'weakness?'

And the zealotry of promoting 'guns and religion' in the same sentence is a little scary.

These guys are religious zealots that seek to define the USA as the world's guardians. We aren't, nor was our government ever conceived in that light.

When the Declaration of Independence stated ... "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,..."; it wasn't referring to people outside the boundaries of the USA. At the time, there were 13 colonies and they were happy to be free of British domination, okay?

Where in all the struggles of the founding members of our society was there ever an implication that we would in turn invade Britain to free them of unreasonable sovereignty by a monarch? Where did the concept of being the world's liberator come from? It doesn't exist and people like Palin, Cheney and all the others that seek to impose that value on the USA, in the name of National Security are zealots of the worse kind. They have a faux face to the reality of global stability and the right of other people to cling to what they consider precious.

Palin's 'Red Meat' speech was nothing but political rhetoric laced with 'love me tender' values. It was full of hoaxes and inaccuracies and the very nonsense that facilitated the illegal and immoral invasion into Iraq leaving Afghanistan at risk that has since proved fatal to the allies we left behind.

I find her appaulingly brash without reason to believe she is competent. She is nothing but another Richard Cheney in sheep's clothing, proud of the fact that clothing doesn't come from NYC Fifth Avenue. She believes in unending right to gun use, oil at any cost and wars without sound judgement. If that 'ain't' Cheney, then I don't know what is !