Wednesday, September 19, 2007

There is some very nasty weather developing offshore the southeast USA. (click here)

An emergency shelter at a school on the outskirts of Shanghai today. (NY Times article below)

September 19, 2007
1507 gmt
West Pacific Global Satellite

September 19, 2007
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared Satellite of north and west hemisphere (click here12 hour loop)

There are massive heat transfers today. Even with a damaging typhoon hitting China there is little relief for the troposphere. The satellite picture above of the West Pacific shows extremely hot conditions in the one place there is still water vapor over tropical forests. The heat is still concentrated more north than south of the equator, however, Antarctica is taking a hit with temperatures on the Peninsula reaching 40F today. Asia hasn't seen the last of it's typhoons either.

Typhoon Spares Worried Shanghai (click here)

Published: September 20, 2007
SHANGHAI, Sept. 19 — A powerful typhoon lashed at China’s east coast today, forcing gigantic evacuations in Shanghai and other coastal cities and causing widespread damage to the south of the city.

As recently as late Tuesday, the storm, bearing the Thai-derived name Wipha, had been forecast to make a rare direct hit on Shanghai, China’s largest city, prompting the evacuation of 300,000 residents of low-lying neighborhoods and vulnerable areas, along with a battery of other emergency measures....

September 18, 2007
Key West, Florida
Photographer states :: Feeling the effects of the approach of 93L with this little squall in Key West. Wish I would have used the film camera, as the digital didn't catch the detail of the lower clouds. Three distinct layers of clouds,all moving at different speeds. Plenty of wind and some light sprinkles, then all was calm again within an hour.

September 19, 2007
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite north and west hemisphere

Heads up, everyone. Consider this a shot across the bow. This is the stuff the scientists are warning everyone about. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A VERY DANGEROUS TROPOSPHERE. These storms are 'pre-loaded' in a super hot troposphere with instant development with little warning. This is it. This is the dangerous stuff. The dark clouds above are intense humidified air mass and as time goes by there will be more and more intensity and longevity to these events.