Shopping List According to Thomas Register of American Manufacturing Companies
Cosmetics - 287 companies
Women's Lingerie - 42 companies
Dresses - 60 companies
Fashion Shoes - 80 companies
Jewelry - 392 companies
Medicines - 38 companies
Sports Equipment - 3 companies
Slacks and Jeans - 22 companies
As of 2003 the population according to the USA census bureau of the USA is estimated to be 290,809,777. Of that approximately 50.9% are women or 148,022,176. Of that approximately 38,041,699 are under 18 years of age. All female statistics.
The total number of American companies cited above is less than 1000. Being generous and realizing perhaps 25% of the adult females over 18 needs unskilled jobs each company would have to need over 27 thousands employees to match that need assuming manufacturing jobs pay well.
Below is the link to the USA Economic Census of 2002. The number of retail sales establishments are over 1 million. The number of manufacturing establishments are one third of that. A quick look at this table reveals primarily low paying jobs realizing everything listed from Retail Trade down are primarily service economy jobs.
The USA is not in good condition when it comes to even it's infrastructure to create good paying jobs.