Thursday, May 12, 2005

May 11. 2005. Illinois. I have a library of hundreds of these photos. I have been accumlating them for over two years now. It is a heat transfer system that brings heat from the equator to the Arctic Circle. It's all too familiar. This is Global Warming. It is due to high heat capacities because of high levels of carbon dioxide. We need leadership in this country that will stop this very damaging trend in Earth's tropophere. Currently, the USA contributes nearly one fourth of the Earth's carbon dioxide levels. We need to act responsibly and stop this. You know I once sent a film of a heat transfer system that ran the entire length of the East Coast of the USA to David Bohrman at CNN. I narrated it for him, too. It's a shame the media has never taken a profound interest in this issue. But, with our nation's leadership in denial of the issue and only interested in exploiting us for cronies benefits I guess it's up to us out here alone to get the job done. Posted by Hello