Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Latest Excuse to Stay "On the Air" was yesterday when a Private Plane drifted into White House Air Space

CNN's "Nuclear Option"

Now, today, the Anchors at CNN are claiming citizens of the USA actually wants such incidents to end shooting down small engine planes.

CNN is making far too much of the issue in DC today.

Everyone is acting childish about what amounts to a 'Fire Drill.'

If it were a sincerely angry person they would have dumped the plane into any available neighborhood if they didn't care about their own lives.

This is OVERKILL at CNN.

There is no reason to make a huge issue of a 'Mistake.'

The people in the plane were probably terrified themselves.

Oh, Georgie was on a bike ride. How nice. He's right about one thing, we need to just carry on and get over A LITTLE BIT OF UPSET.

The Fire Drill in DC today didn't cost all that much.

It cost the administration some 'time' but the Senate was debating a Filibuster anyway. It cost the court and Cheney some time but in the case of Cheney it meant the country got a respite from his plotting for future oil invasions.

It cost some fuel but the jet pilots were already on salary.

Oh, pulllleeezzzz.... Now, they are exploiting the idea of killing the people in the little plane who drifted into WHITE HOUSE airspace.

Go home, Aaron, you haven't said a thing worthwhile yet !!

Now, we are wishing people dead. What next !!

Does anyone at CNN live near an airport?

Have anyone in this nation ever been exposed to low flying jets?

What the heck is this junk all about?

You know one day I came out of a friends house and there was this UFO flying over our heads.

Sincerely. Didn't look like a plane and it was flying overhead.

We looked at this 'thing' and we finally figured out as it came down in elevation that it was a Stealth Fighter, one of those Black Coated Jets, heading out to the east. For cryin' out loud....Grow up, Lady.

THIS WAS THE REVIEW OF "NewsNight" last night !!

Does anyone at 5 Penn Plaza realize there is a real world that is falling apart?

This was a simple little mistake by a pilot and a student pilot.

You know they tried to pull this HYPERSENSITIVE approach over the Gal that changed her mind about marriage but didn't have coping skills.

I tell you what.

CNN could do some Community Service and find a way to help these folks out in DC by giving them effective coping skills after a simple mistake like this rather than TRYING to inflame the situation to be preceived as another September 11th.

Sorry, Aaron, you should be ashamed tonight for your inflammatory newscast that makes no difference to any of the issues you approach tonight.

This is pure propaganda and nothing else.

Take a good hard look at it, that is all it is.

Plug into it and you'll be afraid to leave your home and buy a police radio for hypervigilance 24 hours a day.

Let's put it this way, September 11th BETTER NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

This kind of exploitation to achieve hypersentive response by society is designed to give permission to the thought we will be attacked again. I guess the only thing giving that brevity is the fact Osama bin Laden is still on the loose in Afghanistan. The leadership of this nation will allow this to continue as long as it serves this purpose.

Today, a little plane drifted into WHITE HOUSE air space and nothing else.

They all ought to be ashamed of themselves. I know I am and apologize for all the terrible feelings they are causing.

Now that everyone is scared half to death here comes the political pitch.

Here comes Repuglican John Mica, who will play the 'interviewee' game to satify the public tonight and bring them on board to an administration who is competent and realizes that CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL weapons flow like water in the USA. I guess if you are David Hatfield and have a kitchen sink you might have something there, but, let's face it an administration of Repuglicans looked all over Iraq for Weapons of Mass Destruction without any success. You would think they would have nailed down the potential inside the borders of the USA, right?..

Propaganda. Oh, there ya go, John Mica was stressed because his family was in the building for lunch. How nice. They didn't get promised a $500,000 vacation or something, right there Rep. Mica? Propaganda. Nothing but propaganda. Helloooo...not born yesterday.