Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Corruption SNOWBALLS ...

conti2005 - 2:26 PM ET April 17, 2005 (#48986of 48991)

Tom DeLay & Randall Terry are some of the finest riffraff in the USA. Evangelicals are Insurgents/Unconstitutionalists

Conservative = Selfish

Power for Power's Sake

To say Tom DeLay is power hungry for the sake of having power is incorrect. They are power hungry to dominate the policies of government that will PURCHASE their constituency.

The constituency of DeLay and the Repuglcians EXPECTS returns on their votes. These returns are not 'GENEROUS' returns they are expected to receive funding and movement in the direction of undermining the USA Constitution while casting a 'spell' over society bringing them under the umbrella of Evangelical Christian and nothing else.

Although the 'power' would appear to belong to Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Walker Bush and Hastert, in actuality, it belongs to the Evangelical Christian Right who OWNS the votes and preach loyalty to THE PARTY.

This morning in an astounding breach of separation of church and state and in my opinion a threat of The Crystal Cathedral's Non-Profit and Sanctuary Status; Robert Schuler in a self-righteous tone standing along side of I believe Billy Graham's offspring (It was actually Schuler, Jr.); proclaimed FIRST faith to George Walker Bush and not the Almighty. I couldn't believe my ears. Here a long respected man who has given solice to people who have lost children to pedophiles has turned out to be an Infomercial for the agenda and election campaigns of anyone attached to Bush.

Tom DeLay is not in this for the power alone. His role is not to possess power but to be a POWER BROKER to those that line his nest with dollars to keep the cash following right back to them. He does this RATHER THAN pledging in his vow of office to uphold the USA Constitution AND it's separation of Church and State.

Those that have turned their backs on Judges and our Constitution are treasonists and criminals including most of the Repuglican Party and the ever increasing infiltration of power grabbing by the Evangelical Religious Right.