Thursday, April 14, 2005

Can you name all the Repubilcan Playboys?

Arnold Schwarzenegger has lead a very glamourous life with multitudes of women.

Rudolph W. Giulianni divorced his spouse while having an affair with another.

Bernard Kerik's escapades are legendary.

Newt Gingrich was playing around while building his "Contract with America" followed by a subsequent divorce.

Think of all the Republicans that fell by the wayside while the House was trying to impeach Clinton. It was one after another until someone without an extramarital affair was able to preside.

Why even George Walker Bush himself lead a very spicey life due to his status of priviledge. Heck, there are women dead and missing due to his loose morals before he 'courted' the Religious Right with unconstitutional promises to be elected.

We know for a fact the divorce rate in the Red States is higher than other states in the nation.

Men with money/power attract women. They attack pretty women who are of value as a sex object. It's the way it is. Who are the top 2% of the nation? Who plays around and gets away with it?

The 'Value' politics of this administration is for one reason and one reason only and that is to control the American public and it's voting habits. When it comes down to it, controling civil rights to model the USA Constitution after the Evangelical demands in the Red States is nothing short of treason by men that are amoral to begin with as demonstrated time and time again as well as their brazen favoritism of cronies.