Musk doesn’t know what employees do, so he wants an essay to decide if he will leave them on the job. It is a national security issue STILL and unions need to stand their ground.
Given the disloyalty by Trump to American values, the information could end up with Putin.
The proper procedure is to understand what the goal of an agency is to accomplish and then ask middle management if it is going well to reach the end product. If there are difficulties in achieving goals then the middle management needs to determine if everyone is working to a reasonable capacity to achieve the department goals. To have every employee “report in” once a week is micromanaging and ineffective.
TEAMS are interrelated. One miscalculation can ruin what is to be achieved. The team would know. To ask each employee is to allow them to cover their tracks so to speak. Understanding the goals and how to achieve them is the responsibility of management not each cog of the wheel.
DoGE doesn’t know what they are doing. They are learning on the job. This is our government! They need to go back to school. Musk’s isn’t informed either. He is just the task master.
Plutocrats are driven by godlike egos. RISK is best left to speculation of investment on Wall Street, not the offices of government.