Just a word about Bob Saget. I am not a forensic person on the case, but, their assessment sounds reasonable. He fell in the shower and struggled to the bed and died there. It is very unfortunate.
These types of accidents happen. Shower floors and bathrooms can be a dangerous place if people are not careful. The STONE of bathrooms, be it porcelin or otherwise, always seemed to me a contradictory combination. There needs to be a synthetic answer to bathrooms that are more forgiving when people slip and fall.
This could be an accident of a slip in the shower or tub, but, he was 65 years old and while a very vital 65 year old he could have had a heart incident that also dropped him to the floor. He doesn't have to have a heart condition to have such an incident. The older adult sometimes will drop their blood pressure under warm water used to bath. The forensic experts could speak more to that, but, I think their assessment is correct in that it was an accident.