Sunday, January 16, 2022

July 11, 2014

...I'm writing today (click here) with a friendly, writer-to-writer suggestion: You might want to get your head out of your arse and have a sensible conversation about your August Culture Blog in Esquire. Mind you, I'm not one of those Screaming Mimi Jezebel types who wants to call you out or anything. No, Sweetcakes, I'm here to help.

Your esteemed magazine has just declared 42 to be the most "alluring" age for women, and what got you in hot water is that you wrote about how shocking you found this. I can only assume your fourth wife is still in her 20s, right?...

Tyler the Creator song "Radical" has echos left in our society today. It bothers me to think there are these remants of hate (that is what this song is about) left from racism. I think the genre is Rap, and somewhere along the lines of "Out of Compton," but, man, oh, man that stuff is rough.

"The Pitchfork Festival" (click here) continues and I am not very familiar with it to even comment to the penetration of that music into a society that is leaning right into violence at will.

There is no doubt issues in policing. There are lingering issues of racism. But, violence is not an answer. I realize protesting can provide little reassurances at time for real change, especially, if Congress persons are paid to ignore change and maintain the status quo. But, violence only gives the Plutocrats a bigger platform. 

Living through the "W" years as a conservationist and environmentalist seeking to end the climate crisis there were plenty of times when I thought the movement I was a part of would end because of Big Oil and Big Dark Money, but, the protests and demonstrations during those years kept the flame alive.

We, as people living on Earth, are far from perfect in achieving "Net Zero" and ultimately "Zero Emissions," but we are on our way. COP 26 (click here) is a turning point and I believe that entirely. There is a great deal going on with countries at that conference and while there was still inertia, there was also push to end that inertia and move forward to end GHG emissions.

U.S. President Joe Biden (click here) speaks to reporters after driving a Jeep Rubicon 4xe at an event for clean cars and trucks, and signs an executive order on transformaing the country’s auto fleet at the White House in Washington, U.S. August 5, 2021.

I am very grateful for President Joe Biden. His is the right man for this time in USA History and I wish the age discrimination would stop, but, he is making in roads to change and it will be lasting as long as Americans grab the brass ring and take it forward.

The point is that protests and demonstrations are important even if those involved believe it is for naught. In a democracy it is never a waste of time or effort to organize and protest. It matters, even if it only carries the issues forward and preserves the movement to continue and insist on change.

Violence is not the answer. It enboldens racism and enforces the idea that the old ways are the best ways and people should never give into change.

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It is important to realize how he was a man of patience, persistence, faith and peace. He provided movement for civil rights at the cost of his life and today we have recognition of him in statutes and we have institutionalized his dream. The USA needs to continue that movement of equality until we are finally equal.

Martin Luther King, Jr. would be appauld at the hate involved in voter suppression. But, sometimes that is the way it goes. When change comes, there is always that persistent backlash that shows there is still reasons to hang on tight to the change invoked. There will always be a backlash until the change brought by Americans in a majority takes hold and cements peace in our country between all people.

Let's end the violence and rally around the King of peaceful protests.