Tuesday, June 16, 2020

This is absolute idiocy before the summer of 2021.

June 16, 2020
By Francesca Chambers and David Lightman

A proposal to boost tourism (click here) by providing tax breaks for Americans who travel inside the United States is being “actively” considered by the White House for inclusion in the next coronavirus stimulus package.

Three White House officials told McClatchy the tax credit for travel, which has been sharply curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic, is among the economic recovery proposals under discussion. They plan to make a formal recommendation to Congress next month.

“One of the things that is very much on the table is a tax deduction for Americans to do tourism activities,” one senior White House official said....

With the very clear victory by New Zealand, why is it the Trump Administration DOESN'T "GET IT!"

The words "Dim Witted" only begins to describe this administration.

States need to take Florida to court to end the chronic spread they send the rest of the country. Florida is like "Typhoid Mary." (click here). It takes the money from citizens all over the country that dare travel there and then after a week or two and before the illness manifests the tourists go home to be a burden to their homeland state.

This level of danger will continue until Florida finally has leadership that takes the danger to human beings seriously before their bank cards.

It appears the Republicans involved in Trumpism and the Trump administration itself has no respect for life. They go out of their way to endanger the lives of Americans.

This is not the second wave. These are spikes of occurrences within the first wave. To allow the propagation of the virus is complete idiocy and a human rights violation.

June 16, 2020
By Kirby Wilson and Lawrence Mower

As the number of Florida coronavirus cases (click here) continues to climb and after his own administration announced that those who work at elder-care facilities must now be tested, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he’s not considering another shutdown.

“We’re not rolling back,” DeSantis said during a news conference when asked whether he would consider stopping some reopening efforts. “The reason we did the mitigation was to protect the hospital system.”

On Tuesday, Florida reported 2,783 new coronavirus cases, more than it has ever recorded in a single day. It was the fourth time in six days that the state reported a record number of cases....