Sunday, October 27, 2019

Juniperus virginiana L.

The coastal Northern Pine Oak Forest includes a native pine tree called the "Eastern Red Cedar Pine Tree."

It is an aromatic Evergreen. An evergreen is a plant, tree or bush, that has green leaves throughout the year. It contrasts with deciduous plants, which completely lose their foliage during the winter or dry season.

It has an angled trunk that tends to have a thicker base than the rest of the trunk. It has a narrow, compact crown becoming somewhat broad and irregular in the body of the tree. It can grow to 40 to 60 feet with a diameter of 1 to 2 feet. 

The Eastern Red Cedar is a prolific tree. It can be found in areas where it is also unwanted which brings to mind the ability to control the expanse of it's territory by controlled burns. It grows in abandoned fields, along fence rows, in dry limestone uplands to flood plains and swamps.

It can be found in southern Ontario, along the eastern USA from Maine to northern Florida, as far west as Texas and as north as North Dakota. 

April 12, 2017
By Steve Nix

Eastern redcedar (click here) is not a true cedar. It is a juniper and the most widely distributed native conifer in the Eastern United States. It is found in every state east of the 100th meridian. This hardy tree is often among the first trees to occupy cleared areas, where its seeds are spread by cedar waxwings and other birds that enjoy the fleshy, bluish seed cones....

A Cedar Waxwing with one of it's favorite food, the berries from the Eastern Red Cedar.