Tuesday, July 21, 2015

This was a sport for this police officer.

From the initial interaction with Sandra the police officer started to escalate the peril to her. He came to her passenger side door while passing her right rear tail light to check it for breakage. But, he asked her "Is there something wrong?" Of course there was something wrong. She was pulled to the side of the road for a traffic violation. That is something wrong. He did not begin this interaction with a business like demeanor so much as judgmental.

He also had stopped a car only a short time before to issue a warning. He told her to be sure to get the car registration through the cell phone from her father. That is none of his business. If the driver couldn't pull the registration or insurance card up on the cell phone then he either issues a ticket or a warning. He doesn't have to give advice or irritate the circumstances any further. He made the determination all that was necessary was to issue a warning. His job is over. He has no business talking to a driver about that driver's father or their cell phone. 

This guy really bothers me. He is over stepping his authority from the beginning and then continues it through an extended conversation. He wants something from the interaction beyond his original purpose. I don't what it is he is looking for, but, he perceives a future for the driver from a simple mistake of signaling a lane change. This should interaction should not have even started. When she moved to the right hand lane she was a threat to no one, not even herself. There really was no reason to bother her. 

Something else bothered me. He simply did a u-turn and began a patrol down the same road. Is this his purpose in life? Is this all he does on one day a month, patrol this road looking for citations to write? is this an income thing to the city? His method of policing bothers me. I would not expect a police officer to turn around on the same road unless he was chasing down money. Is there an income from the citations on this road and/or this officer on a regular basis? There isn't much traffic. The odds of running into a lot of problems with traffic is slim with the number of cars on that road.

But, that doesn't really lend itself directly to Sandra's death. The police officer aggravated the interaction and was looking for a reason. A reason for what is anyone's guess, but, we know where it went and how he treated a woman he stopped for a lane change. 

Wait a minute. He has an agenda. Why write a ticket when his monthly quota can be satisfied with a situation that results in an arrest with multiple charges? 

This is more than a sport for him, it is an occupation. He made it happen, she did nothing irrational or out of character. He took license with her status. All he has to do is convince the dash cam and microphone he had no choice but to the escalation. He had someone admittedly upset and he simply took it further.