Her loss became our battle cry.
Thu Aug 04, 2005 at 06:45 AM PDT
We Are Going to Crawford to stop the killing (click here)
George Bush said speaking about the dreadful loss of life in Iraq in August: (08/03/05): "We have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission." "The families of the fallen can be assured that they died for a noble cause.In reaction to these two assinine and hurtful statements, members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) are going to George's vacation home in Crawford, Tx this Saturday, August 6th at 11:00 am to confront him on these two statements...
Cindy is still fighting the good fight. She is surrounded by others, including veterans, that look for justice. The Veterans for Peace still hold meetings and events to keep the public aware of an unjust war.
The Iraq War created the culture of fear and invoked the reality that the American military can be unleashed without purpose. It brought home the reality of 'war for profits.' We thought all that ended with Vietnam. We were wrong. Now, it is a forever effort.
March 30, 2014
On April 04, my family will be mourning the 10th anniversary of Casey's murder in Iraq in 2004....