According to the 2010 USA Census there are concentrations of Asian Americans in the USA. It is not an enforced policy anywhere in the USA to limit the population to cities.
Now, the argument to leverage power against minorities seeking eduction for an entire country is based in the idea Asian Americans are oppressed by Affirmative Action policies.
I don't think so.
...Typically 40 percent of the students (click here) attending top-tier universities such as Harvard, Princeton, and Yale have a hook. The major hooks are:
• Legacy, meaning a family history of college attendance at a specific school (usually mother or father, but sometimes a grandparent -- and graduate school attendance does not always count)
• Recruited athlete
• Underrepresented student (African American, Latino/a, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, bi-racial, or multiracial)
• Development (donation) case
• VIP or high-profile applicant
The admission process in some universities might have to be reviewed on a case by case basis, but, the real challenge to the USA is being as inclusive as it can be since the future is demanding far more college graduates than currently exists.
Any disparity in Asian American admissions is just 'the next excuse' to discriminate against all minorities. It is nonsense. There are frequently issues that manifest with any policy. It is the obligation of the country to follow these problems and LEGISLATE to address them. The recent decision by the Supreme Court to continue to hack away at minority opportunity will cause increased racism through out the country where it is preferred.
This brief highlights (click here) various state and industry led workforce development initiatives. All approach workforce development in different ways and target various populations. They range from aligning K12 and postsecondary education to workforce needs, to alternative ways of delivering basic skills, to re-training the underemployed and unemployed, to training specific skills for specific industries. All the initiatives, however, are models of collaboration among several state agencies and business partners to develop workers with the skills needed to continue to grow businesses and state economies.
In the face of challenges to fill employment in the USA as viewed by this assessment has to be the knowledge there will be racial layers of 'wealth' that accompanies the jobs gap.
If the Supreme Court is going to assign opportunity for citizens of all races to the states then each state better be evaluated for their policies and advancement of minority populations. That assessment of each state, county and city needs to be the basis of exposing bigotry, racism and discrimination. In that lies opportunity to Democrats to break down hatred as a political plank in elections.
This recognition of where there will be disparities for those educated with a college degree only proves when an entire generation of Americans are left out of economic opportunities it is due to government and funding negligence and not the aspirations of the citizens themselves. What occurred with this most recent generation is a historic national shame. The problem solving to insure futures of Americans begins long before the reality of the outcome. Republican policy for over twenty years caused the crash of opportunity for this generation. There is no excuse.
According to this study Asian American men did just fine.
Percentage of Population 25 or Older With a Postsecondary Degree of Any Kind, 2008 (click here)
If one is looking for a reliable source of information about educational statistics, look to the vast amount of information at the National Center of Educational Statistics of the US Department of Education. (click here)
Now, the argument to leverage power against minorities seeking eduction for an entire country is based in the idea Asian Americans are oppressed by Affirmative Action policies.
I don't think so.
...Typically 40 percent of the students (click here) attending top-tier universities such as Harvard, Princeton, and Yale have a hook. The major hooks are:
• Legacy, meaning a family history of college attendance at a specific school (usually mother or father, but sometimes a grandparent -- and graduate school attendance does not always count)
• Recruited athlete
• Underrepresented student (African American, Latino/a, Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, bi-racial, or multiracial)
• Development (donation) case
• VIP or high-profile applicant
The admission process in some universities might have to be reviewed on a case by case basis, but, the real challenge to the USA is being as inclusive as it can be since the future is demanding far more college graduates than currently exists.
Any disparity in Asian American admissions is just 'the next excuse' to discriminate against all minorities. It is nonsense. There are frequently issues that manifest with any policy. It is the obligation of the country to follow these problems and LEGISLATE to address them. The recent decision by the Supreme Court to continue to hack away at minority opportunity will cause increased racism through out the country where it is preferred.
This brief highlights (click here) various state and industry led workforce development initiatives. All approach workforce development in different ways and target various populations. They range from aligning K12 and postsecondary education to workforce needs, to alternative ways of delivering basic skills, to re-training the underemployed and unemployed, to training specific skills for specific industries. All the initiatives, however, are models of collaboration among several state agencies and business partners to develop workers with the skills needed to continue to grow businesses and state economies.
In the face of challenges to fill employment in the USA as viewed by this assessment has to be the knowledge there will be racial layers of 'wealth' that accompanies the jobs gap.
If the Supreme Court is going to assign opportunity for citizens of all races to the states then each state better be evaluated for their policies and advancement of minority populations. That assessment of each state, county and city needs to be the basis of exposing bigotry, racism and discrimination. In that lies opportunity to Democrats to break down hatred as a political plank in elections.
This recognition of where there will be disparities for those educated with a college degree only proves when an entire generation of Americans are left out of economic opportunities it is due to government and funding negligence and not the aspirations of the citizens themselves. What occurred with this most recent generation is a historic national shame. The problem solving to insure futures of Americans begins long before the reality of the outcome. Republican policy for over twenty years caused the crash of opportunity for this generation. There is no excuse.
According to this study Asian American men did just fine.
Percentage of Population 25 or Older With a Postsecondary Degree of Any Kind, 2008 (click here)
If one is looking for a reliable source of information about educational statistics, look to the vast amount of information at the National Center of Educational Statistics of the US Department of Education. (click here)