The Weather Channel Current Temperatures Map
April 27, 2014
2315 GMT
The differences in temperatures is stark.
The brown color in the map below is where somewhat normal highs are occurring. However, it is where the cold and hot are mixing. So, the so called normal highs aren't established through normal dynamics.
That mixing is where some of the worst turbulence is found. Mixing is mixing.
The Weather Channel's Departure from Normal Highs
April 27, 2014
0900 GMT
The winds were 150 mph which translated into an EF3 tornado.
April 27, 2014
The Daily Reflector
OKLAHOMA CITY - (click here) Strong storms swept through parts of the Midwest on Sunday, spawning damaging winds, large hail and at least one tornado as the first official tornado death of 2014 was confirmed.
The North Carolina Department of Public Safety confirms that an 11-month-old in Chowan county was injured in Friday's storms in the eastern part of the state and died Sunday, reports CBS affiliate WNCT in Greensville.
The 11-month-old was the first tornado related death in the nation of 2014, officials said. Governor Pat McCrory sent his prayers to the family and the 11-month-old at an afternoon press conference Sunday, while touring the devastation in Beaufort County...
April 27, 2014
2315 GMT
The differences in temperatures is stark.
The brown color in the map below is where somewhat normal highs are occurring. However, it is where the cold and hot are mixing. So, the so called normal highs aren't established through normal dynamics.
That mixing is where some of the worst turbulence is found. Mixing is mixing.
The Weather Channel's Departure from Normal Highs
April 27, 2014
0900 GMT
The winds were 150 mph which translated into an EF3 tornado.
April 27, 2014
The Daily Reflector
OKLAHOMA CITY - (click here) Strong storms swept through parts of the Midwest on Sunday, spawning damaging winds, large hail and at least one tornado as the first official tornado death of 2014 was confirmed.
The North Carolina Department of Public Safety confirms that an 11-month-old in Chowan county was injured in Friday's storms in the eastern part of the state and died Sunday, reports CBS affiliate WNCT in Greensville.
The 11-month-old was the first tornado related death in the nation of 2014, officials said. Governor Pat McCrory sent his prayers to the family and the 11-month-old at an afternoon press conference Sunday, while touring the devastation in Beaufort County...