Thursday, September 05, 2013

Well, looky thar, Russia might actually know what it is talking about. I'll be darn.

Why do I get the feeling McCain and Graham had their eye on a bigger prize?


I mean if they could arm the Caucus rebels in Syria and have them start a war with Russia, what could be better?

If Putin wanted to ENGAGE the USA at this point, it is plainly obvious why.

Thursday, September 05, 2013
group of Islamist militants from Russia's volatile North Caucasus (click here) region fighting in Syria say they have split with a major Al-Qaeda-linked rebel unit. 

The group, calling itself the Mujahedin of the Caucasus and the Levant, announced its decision to split from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in a video posted on YouTube on September 3.

The video's authenticity could not be immediately verified.

The announcement in the video was made by a bearded man standing among some 40 fighters and speaking in halting Russian.

It was translated into Arabic by another fighter....

Vladimir should share more often. It is called a PRESS LEAK, President Putin.

A press leak doesn't mean a President has lost control, it means the 'exclusive' will sell well and provide important information to citizens regarding the underhanded dealings of political operatives.

I would love a press leak from Russia stating the intelligence that can be declassified regarding the current terrorist networks in operation within Syria. This is the kind of stuff the United Nations' General Assembly needs to hear. Honestly, Vlad, you are too about Russia, you should get out more.

I mean I could do spy assessments of my own all day long, but, it still is only speculative. Make my day, Vladimir.

Why is it I always find myself saying, "I told you so." It is the darnest thing. One would think war is profitable or something in the USA. Just imagine Caucus Rebels getting control of Sarin Gas and traveling all that way back to Russia. My, my, my. I am sure Graham and McCain wouldn't want that to happen after all, right?

Ya think?

21:20 05/09/2013
MOSCOW, September 5 (RIA Novosti) – Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem (click here) will visit Moscow on Monday for talks with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
The talks “will focus on an all-encompassing consideration of all aspects of the situation in and around Syria,” the ministry said in a statement.
The statement also reiterated Moscow’s position that a political process was the only way to solve the Syrian crisis and that any military action not authorized by the UN Security Council would be inadmissible.

We don't belong in Syria.

We never did.