The Rooster
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I believe in a two party system no different than anyone else, but, ...
...that doesn't mean it is amateur night at the bijou.
The 'extremist' environment we find ourselves is set in somewhat of a hysteria, along with a disappointment in the Democrats that they haven't delivered 'the perfect world,' yet.
To invest a valuable vote in a party that is completely unproven at the local and state levels of government is absolutely and obviously irresponsible.
Vote, but, PLEASE vote wisely.
The 'extremist' environment we find ourselves is set in somewhat of a hysteria, along with a disappointment in the Democrats that they haven't delivered 'the perfect world,' yet.
To invest a valuable vote in a party that is completely unproven at the local and state levels of government is absolutely and obviously irresponsible.
Vote, but, PLEASE vote wisely.
If a supporter turns up mysteriously at the end of the race, rather than being involved from the beginning they sincerely should not be trusted without knowing what they are all about, besides LIES.
...The flier has Binsky (click title to entry - thank you) and other Libertarians suspecting that Democrats are behind the mail piece as a ploy to drive conservatives away from voting for the Republican in the race, Matt Carle. Democrats, however, say they don't know anything about it....
If lies are the only way to defeat a candidate, it can't be worth it for anyone in the electorate and it automatically raises concerns of the integrity of those that have tried to cast doubt by lying. I guess the name 'Tea Party' is like a 'code' for The Pied Piper, when nothing but fantasy will do.
If lies are the only way to defeat a candidate, it can't be worth it for anyone in the electorate and it automatically raises concerns of the integrity of those that have tried to cast doubt by lying. I guess the name 'Tea Party' is like a 'code' for The Pied Piper, when nothing but fantasy will do.
Carly Fiorina meeting with Tea Partiers in Marin -- no press allowed
I can understand why Ms. Fiorina would not want the press in the room. But, come to think about it, Tea Party Candidates don't ever want the press in the room.
What else is there to say?
"Wall Street CEO seeks extremist party to back their candidacy."
Who is going to be on YOUR staff?
What else is there to say?
"Wall Street CEO seeks extremist party to back their candidacy."
Who is going to be on YOUR staff?
This is where it really gets bizarre.
According to the "Alaskan Dispatch" the guy got really weird about a political poll.
Besides the fact he was suspended for three days, he used three computers and actually thought it would make a difference. Now I appreciate him calling himself an 'ass,' but, that really doesn't excuse some really bizarre thinking and behavior.
Joe needs to leave Alaska, alright, but, not for DC. He needs to find a place in the country where there is actual opportunity for his ability as an attorney rather than living in a 'small pond' and believing three computers are going to change the outcome of a poll for his ambitions.
Buoy. The Tea Party certainly got an interesting one, huh?
Now, do I believe he should be elected? No. I believe the citizens of Alaska really need to take an honest look at the Democratic candidate for Alaskan US Senate and realize he never took them for granted in any of his race.
[...In March 2008, (click here) Miller was placed on administrative leave for 15 days and suspended without pay for three days after getting caught using co-workers' computers in an effort to influence Republican Party politics. He was also required to undergo mandatory counselling.
Miller has long been a political crony of former Gov. Sarah Palin, and in March 2008 was assisting in her effort to get Randy Ruedrich booted as the Alaska Republican Party's chairman -- a political takeover that ultimately failed.
Palin and Ruedrich had been at odds before, famously in 2003 when Palin, then an Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission commissioner, discovered that Ruedrich, also a commission member while state GOP chair, was conducting Republican business out of his state office. She exposed Ruedrich's ethical lapses -- forcing him to resign and resulting in a $12,000 state ethics fine -- and then used her reputation as a corruption fighter to bootstrap her way into the governor's office....]
...Miller's time as a part-time borough attorney (click title to entry - thank you) allude to some of the Gulf War veteran's fears, including his belief that someone might hack into the borough's computer system.
It was around this same time -- March 2008 -- that Miller was caught using three of his co-workers' computers to pad a political poll on his personal website. After the incident, Miller, who at first lied about the computer usage, was placed on leave for about two weeks, followed by a three-day suspension without pay and six months probation.
For co-workers who had just days earlier heard Miller going on about personal threats and computer schemes, the timing of Miller's misuse of their computers was unsettling, spawning one more twist in a situation that seemed to grow stranger by the day....
Besides the fact he was suspended for three days, he used three computers and actually thought it would make a difference. Now I appreciate him calling himself an 'ass,' but, that really doesn't excuse some really bizarre thinking and behavior.
Joe needs to leave Alaska, alright, but, not for DC. He needs to find a place in the country where there is actual opportunity for his ability as an attorney rather than living in a 'small pond' and believing three computers are going to change the outcome of a poll for his ambitions.
Buoy. The Tea Party certainly got an interesting one, huh?
Now, do I believe he should be elected? No. I believe the citizens of Alaska really need to take an honest look at the Democratic candidate for Alaskan US Senate and realize he never took them for granted in any of his race.
Joe Miller's paranoid attempt to overthrow the Alaska Republican Party
Jill Burke | Oct 31, 2010[...In March 2008, (click here) Miller was placed on administrative leave for 15 days and suspended without pay for three days after getting caught using co-workers' computers in an effort to influence Republican Party politics. He was also required to undergo mandatory counselling.
Miller has long been a political crony of former Gov. Sarah Palin, and in March 2008 was assisting in her effort to get Randy Ruedrich booted as the Alaska Republican Party's chairman -- a political takeover that ultimately failed.
Palin and Ruedrich had been at odds before, famously in 2003 when Palin, then an Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission commissioner, discovered that Ruedrich, also a commission member while state GOP chair, was conducting Republican business out of his state office. She exposed Ruedrich's ethical lapses -- forcing him to resign and resulting in a $12,000 state ethics fine -- and then used her reputation as a corruption fighter to bootstrap her way into the governor's office....]
...Miller's time as a part-time borough attorney (click title to entry - thank you) allude to some of the Gulf War veteran's fears, including his belief that someone might hack into the borough's computer system.
It was around this same time -- March 2008 -- that Miller was caught using three of his co-workers' computers to pad a political poll on his personal website. After the incident, Miller, who at first lied about the computer usage, was placed on leave for about two weeks, followed by a three-day suspension without pay and six months probation.
For co-workers who had just days earlier heard Miller going on about personal threats and computer schemes, the timing of Miller's misuse of their computers was unsettling, spawning one more twist in a situation that seemed to grow stranger by the day....
Sharon Angle is a Tea Party candidate. Why? Because she has no clue either !
Sharron Angle revises history, denies saying what she actually said (click title to entry - thank you)
----Karl asked Angle: “When you say if things don’t turn out the right way in this election, people may seek Second Amendment remedies. What did you mean by that?”Angle replied, “No, I don’t think that was exactly the way I said it.”...
----On domestic enemies, she told Karl she was speaking of enemies “of the free market system.”
Oh, a plutocrat.
She is KNOWN to have the most bizarre voting record of any Nevada legislator in history. She never votes with the majority. Her constituency is served by EVERYONE ELSE'S service in government, NOT her's.
THAT is what voting in the minority provides. NOTHING.
Max Pappus, another profiteer, extremist and fear monger wants to end the federal program, "Market Access Program."
He claims it is a federal program that costs $1 billion US that subsidies foreign countries.
The Market Access Program (MAP), (click title to entry - thank you) formerly the Market Promotion Program, uses funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to help U.S. producers, exporters, private companies, and other trade organizations finance promotional activities for U.S. agricultural products. The MAP encourages the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for agricultural commodities. Activities financed include consumer promotions, market research, technical assistance, and trade servicing.
Now, I don't know what Mr. Pappas understands about the 'idea' that the USA feeds the world, but, it comes darn close. I also don't understand what Mr. Pappas understands about marketing, but, he needs to speak to the California Governor, Ahnold Schwarzenegger about his trip to Japan and Asia to promote the sale of California Produce.
IT DOESN'T SELL ITSELF by pure reputation alone. USA agricultural commodities have to be marketed just like any other product and believe me the farmer isn't do that. The farmer takes their commodities to a market and 'gets a check.' What happens from there is up to the 'commodity handlers' to decide.
I don't believe I have to say this, but, California is about the sixth largest economy IN THE WORLD. I think it is important there is a program within the INFRASTRUCTURE somewhere that actually takes that seriously.
The Market Access Program (MAP), (click title to entry - thank you) formerly the Market Promotion Program, uses funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to help U.S. producers, exporters, private companies, and other trade organizations finance promotional activities for U.S. agricultural products. The MAP encourages the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for agricultural commodities. Activities financed include consumer promotions, market research, technical assistance, and trade servicing.
Now, I don't know what Mr. Pappas understands about the 'idea' that the USA feeds the world, but, it comes darn close. I also don't understand what Mr. Pappas understands about marketing, but, he needs to speak to the California Governor, Ahnold Schwarzenegger about his trip to Japan and Asia to promote the sale of California Produce.
IT DOESN'T SELL ITSELF by pure reputation alone. USA agricultural commodities have to be marketed just like any other product and believe me the farmer isn't do that. The farmer takes their commodities to a market and 'gets a check.' What happens from there is up to the 'commodity handlers' to decide.
I don't believe I have to say this, but, California is about the sixth largest economy IN THE WORLD. I think it is important there is a program within the INFRASTRUCTURE somewhere that actually takes that seriously.
Simple solutions for simple people. Profiteers, extremists and fear mongers.
Mr. Denninger of the Tea Party states he wants to cut a SSI by 50% simply because we don't have enough money to pay the rates we are now and cutting it to zero would be stealing.
Mr. Denninger, along with most of the extremist views of the Tea Party Republicans, have not taken into account what would occur to the USA economy and the 'aged populous' in the USA, including the very aged in nursing homes if SSI were cut by 50%.
People plan their retirements and include those monies in that planning. Beside trashing every retirement dream in the USA, it would cut 50% of circulating monies out of the 'economy of the aged' in the USA. YES, SSI is part of the economy of the USA. Yet, these folks believe by simply cutting the amounts people receive it will be all okay.
I wonder. Do they believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, too?
He believes SSI is a subsidy to citizens and that any subsidy is socialism.
Has he looked into the subsides paid to the petroleum industry?
The woman is Amy Kremer, the leader of The Tea Party Express. Profiteer, overt bigot, extremiost and fear monger.
Tea Party Express organizer Mark Williams (L) and Amy Kremer look at a computer before the start of a news conference at the National Press Club on April 15, 2010 in Washington, DC. The news conference was held to unveil their 2010 election targets for the upcoming House and Senate races.
The picture on the computer is a racist picture. It just is.
However, she actively admits, " We need to stop government spending, but, I am not an expert on the US budget, but we need to stop spending."
"I is not opposed to A single government program exactly, but, we need to stop spending."
She does however believe the Constitution states separation of church and state
And she states we need to stop the revolving door between Washington, DC and Wall Street.
The 'revolving door' that I am aware of is the elected legislator that becomes a lobbyist.
She believes all this is necessary, but, in her own words, basically, she has no clue as to how to do any of it. But, she and Palin will travel around the country ranting rhetorical slogans so that everyone believes there are actual policies they can pull out of a hat and simply stop all this.
The picture on the computer is a racist picture. It just is.
However, she actively admits, " We need to stop government spending, but, I am not an expert on the US budget, but we need to stop spending."
"I is not opposed to A single government program exactly, but, we need to stop spending."
She does however believe the Constitution states separation of church and state
And she states we need to stop the revolving door between Washington, DC and Wall Street.
The 'revolving door' that I am aware of is the elected legislator that becomes a lobbyist.
She believes all this is necessary, but, in her own words, basically, she has no clue as to how to do any of it. But, she and Palin will travel around the country ranting rhetorical slogans so that everyone believes there are actual policies they can pull out of a hat and simply stop all this.
Juson Phillips, profiteer, extremist and fear monger. " Tea Party Nation head wants Muslim-free Congress." (click title to entry - thank you)
Should Congress be a Muslim-free zone -- despite the U.S. Constitution's ban on religious tests for public office? According to Salon, which links back to earlier sources, Tea Party Nation leader and founder Judson Phillips, a Tennessee attorney, thinks so....
Phillips writes: (click title to entry - thank you)
Robert Wright makes a similar point while looking into the fallout over ex-NPR, now-Fox newsman Juan Williams' nervous-about-Muslim-garb comment last week. Wright, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, blogged for The New York Times:
Additonally, Mr. Phillips has stated he and his organization wants to stop the socialism in the USA and want to advance freedom.
What does he think he is practicing when he is speaking out freely in any campaign? Anything other than democarcy?
We want to fundamentally change government.
Fundamentally changing government is a broad topic. What he really means is that he wants to replace government with his plutocratic values.
Kill SSD filled with waste fraud and abuse.
SSD? If there are individuals that are fraudulently on SSD, then he needs to come forward. Many people on SSD are there because their lives were destroyed by the plutocratic ideals that OSHA is simply government waste.
Stop Departement of Education to subcabinet level - cut budget to zero - as a program it is a disaster Education to be run by the state and local level.
Do these people ever stop to think about what they are saying or simply spout rhetoric to MAINTAIN the hate and anger?
When federal funds are used for education it brings a level playing field to impoverished states. That means every child in the nation as the same chance as every other child. When Phillips wants to decentralize educational funding and guidelines, he is saying let's make religion a priority if we want to and eventually remove the 'public' in Public Schools if we want to as well.
Everyone knows when federal autorities aren't policing the States there is CORRUPTION. When the feds and States are policing the locals there is CORRUPTION. The federal government has to be actively involved in local and state efforts to educate Americans because it requires vigilance the state and local authorities don't practice. Mr. Phillips naively believes everyone is capable of policing their local authorities on everything. It doesn't work that way. How many people in any town actually attend every council and every board meeting? FEW.
The Tea Party Nations states there should be a separation of church and state, then why are they excluding Muslims from serving?
Phillips writes: (click title to entry - thank you)
There are a lot of liberals who need to be retired this year, but there are few I can think of more deserving than Keith Ellison. Ellison is one of the most radical members of congress. He has a ZERO rating from the American Conservative Union. He is the only Muslim member of congress. ...Salon's Justin Elliott writes:
Phillips has not withdrawn the post or apologized. It's hard to imagine that this would not have made more of a splash if Phillips had targeted, say, a Jewish member of Congress for being Jewish or a Mormon member for being Mormon.
Robert Wright makes a similar point while looking into the fallout over ex-NPR, now-Fox newsman Juan Williams' nervous-about-Muslim-garb comment last week. Wright, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, blogged for The New York Times:
Suppose Williams had said something hurtful to gay people instead of to Muslims. Suppose he had said gay men give him the creeps because he fears they'll make sexual advances. NPR might well have fired him, but would Fox News have chosen that moment to give him a $2-million pat on the back?
I don't think so. Playing the homophobia card is costlier than playing the Islamophobia card....
Additonally, Mr. Phillips has stated he and his organization wants to stop the socialism in the USA and want to advance freedom.
What does he think he is practicing when he is speaking out freely in any campaign? Anything other than democarcy?
We want to fundamentally change government.
Fundamentally changing government is a broad topic. What he really means is that he wants to replace government with his plutocratic values.
Kill SSD filled with waste fraud and abuse.
SSD? If there are individuals that are fraudulently on SSD, then he needs to come forward. Many people on SSD are there because their lives were destroyed by the plutocratic ideals that OSHA is simply government waste.
Stop Departement of Education to subcabinet level - cut budget to zero - as a program it is a disaster Education to be run by the state and local level.
Do these people ever stop to think about what they are saying or simply spout rhetoric to MAINTAIN the hate and anger?
When federal funds are used for education it brings a level playing field to impoverished states. That means every child in the nation as the same chance as every other child. When Phillips wants to decentralize educational funding and guidelines, he is saying let's make religion a priority if we want to and eventually remove the 'public' in Public Schools if we want to as well.
Everyone knows when federal autorities aren't policing the States there is CORRUPTION. When the feds and States are policing the locals there is CORRUPTION. The federal government has to be actively involved in local and state efforts to educate Americans because it requires vigilance the state and local authorities don't practice. Mr. Phillips naively believes everyone is capable of policing their local authorities on everything. It doesn't work that way. How many people in any town actually attend every council and every board meeting? FEW.
The Tea Party Nations states there should be a separation of church and state, then why are they excluding Muslims from serving?
Who OWNS you,
But Rubio says American exceptionalism is threatened by Democratic big-government policies, so the Nov. 2 election isn’t merely about selecting a junior Senator, it’s “a referendum on our identity.”
Rubio has stated the problems with the GOP are self inflicted.
These people are not fit to lead and unable to follow. Mike Lee states he finds it may be necessary to shut down the government.
Hasn't Mr. Lee ever heard of a house of cards? That is why his campaign rhetoric will bring to the people of the USA if he actually believes he can shut down the federal government. What is astounishing is that people actually buy this mess as if it can and should happen.
The electorate can't believe that is sincerely an option. I mean for real here. And if that is the case then what do they believe they are doing except providing AN EXCUSE for the naive and vulnerable of society to vote for a sham.
The electorate can't believe that is sincerely an option. I mean for real here. And if that is the case then what do they believe they are doing except providing AN EXCUSE for the naive and vulnerable of society to vote for a sham.
TRUSTING the Republicans with any responsibility for the country AGAIN is regressive and completely dysfunctional. Here is the best Mr. Boner could do.
John Boehner and Tiger Woods Golfing Together (click here)
July 1, 2009
Mr. Boner is NOT the President. The GOP candidate wasn't elected and neither was the Vice Presidential Candidate.
Mr. Boner is NOT the President. The GOP candidate wasn't elected and neither was the Vice Presidential Candidate.
He stated and I quote, "I he will not work with the president unless the president is working my way."
First, President Obama should announce he will not carry out his plan to impose job-killing tax hikes on families and small businesses.
Second, President Obama should announce that he will veto any job-killing bills sent to his desk by a lame-duck Congress – including ‘card check,’ a national energy tax, and any other tax increases on families and small businesses.
Third, President Obama should call on Democratic Leaders in Congress to stop obstructing Republicans’ attempts to repeal the new health care law’s job-killing ‘1099 mandate.’
Fourth, President Obama should submit to Congress for its immediate consideration an aggressive spending reduction package.
Who runs this country? The legislators elected in ? Free Elections ? or the GOP and Murdoch's media circus?
Hannity states Lindsay Graham was noted to say, the legislature needs to work with the president.
According to Hannity, Graham needs to get his it right in that he will not work with the president. The radio jockey then had a hissy fit and carried on as if he was making government policy and not the congress or president.
What kind of power are the people of the USA providing to this media service by being their puppets?
...Graham was censured by the Aiken County Republican Party (click title to entry - thank you) and several other South Carolina counties in September for straying from the party by supporting amnesty for illegal aliens and nominations for Supreme Court justices.
The measure also barred Graham from invitations to any local events.
On Tuesday, Graham said he will fight the president when he's wrong, but he will also cross party lines to "help him do the things that need to be done to make us all safe."...
According to Hannity, Graham needs to get his it right in that he will not work with the president. The radio jockey then had a hissy fit and carried on as if he was making government policy and not the congress or president.
What kind of power are the people of the USA providing to this media service by being their puppets?
...Graham was censured by the Aiken County Republican Party (click title to entry - thank you) and several other South Carolina counties in September for straying from the party by supporting amnesty for illegal aliens and nominations for Supreme Court justices.
The measure also barred Graham from invitations to any local events.
On Tuesday, Graham said he will fight the president when he's wrong, but he will also cross party lines to "help him do the things that need to be done to make us all safe."...
"Try to Remember" by Harvey Schmidt and Tom Jones
Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That love was an ember about to billow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Although you know the snow will follow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Without a hurt the heart is hollow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
The fire of September that made us mellow.
Deep in December, our hearts should remember
And follow.
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That love was an ember about to billow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Although you know the snow will follow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Without a hurt the heart is hollow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
The fire of September that made us mellow.
Deep in December, our hearts should remember
And follow.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Why hasn't the cholera outbreak in Haiti not in political debates in the USA?
The Republicans have stood in obstruction of providing funding to the people of that naiton since the earthquake occurred. When are they going to be held responsible for the pervasive deterioration of Haiti and its people? Maybe it is too much of a topic for the press to cover in a debate.
Until tomorrow...
Until tomorrow...
It is my personal opinion, from the nature of the bombs, this was a trial run.
Each bomb was unique to its method of detonation. While arresting responsible parties in Yemen is important, there probably was an element in the USA that was to detonate the bombs.
Click title to link for video.
The two devices were deliberately built to be different and detonated to find out which method was more effective. This is just my opinion and nothing more.
I also believe once al Qaeda knew which device worked better they would be using more of them in large number.
More than likely the American and Anwar were planning to make a mass mailing of the devices.
I have a really poor wireless connection at the moment.
But, at any rate, there were two dypes of bombs sent. One with a cell phone device and one with a timer. The bomb on the UPS flight was being tracked for arrival. If that was the device with the cell phone detonator there would have to be someone at the receiving end to detonate it when it was inside the synagogue.
The timer would have been delivered in time, supposedly with enough time to allow it to detonate inside the synagogue without being discovered. It seem very obvious to me these were two separate methods to 'experiment' to find which device was more successful in achieving its goal.
Once the Yemen cell knew which device was more succesful a larger scale attack in any part of the world they wanted to terrorize. Quite possibly after it was determined the USA was the focus of the bombing the cell could send bombs in other area of the world, including places like Saudi Arabia whom helpted with this discovery, to carry out atrocities in large number to sincerely disrupt global balance. Stop and think of what would happen if there were bombs sent to government offices globally designed to detonate at the same time. Or in synagogues all over the world.
I believe there was a better way of discovreing the extent of the plan by replacing the bombs with 'dummy' bombs that weighed the same and looked identical and placing them back in the delivery circulation with the same tracking numbers. If there was a more extensive plot to trigger a cell in the USA to detonate the bomb it ? might ? have been possible to discover the entity that would have accomplished the cell phone detonation.
Just a thought. Now, either Anwar and the American are poor and could only configure two bombs for the plot or this was a trial run with others in production for a larger operation.
It is the way I see it. I sincerely dont' believe this was a two bomb stunt for an uptick before an election or at the time of an election. It would interesting to know if any polling would be taking place at either of the syngogues. I believe the Yemeni cell is ambitious and not necessarily a simply disgruntled Yemeni woman. The woman has to have a connection back to Anwar al Awlaki.
Click title to link for video.
The two devices were deliberately built to be different and detonated to find out which method was more effective. This is just my opinion and nothing more.
I also believe once al Qaeda knew which device worked better they would be using more of them in large number.
More than likely the American and Anwar were planning to make a mass mailing of the devices.
I have a really poor wireless connection at the moment.
The timer would have been delivered in time, supposedly with enough time to allow it to detonate inside the synagogue without being discovered. It seem very obvious to me these were two separate methods to 'experiment' to find which device was more successful in achieving its goal.
Once the Yemen cell knew which device was more succesful a larger scale attack in any part of the world they wanted to terrorize. Quite possibly after it was determined the USA was the focus of the bombing the cell could send bombs in other area of the world, including places like Saudi Arabia whom helpted with this discovery, to carry out atrocities in large number to sincerely disrupt global balance. Stop and think of what would happen if there were bombs sent to government offices globally designed to detonate at the same time. Or in synagogues all over the world.
I believe there was a better way of discovreing the extent of the plan by replacing the bombs with 'dummy' bombs that weighed the same and looked identical and placing them back in the delivery circulation with the same tracking numbers. If there was a more extensive plot to trigger a cell in the USA to detonate the bomb it ? might ? have been possible to discover the entity that would have accomplished the cell phone detonation.
Just a thought. Now, either Anwar and the American are poor and could only configure two bombs for the plot or this was a trial run with others in production for a larger operation.
It is the way I see it. I sincerely dont' believe this was a two bomb stunt for an uptick before an election or at the time of an election. It would interesting to know if any polling would be taking place at either of the syngogues. I believe the Yemeni cell is ambitious and not necessarily a simply disgruntled Yemeni woman. The woman has to have a connection back to Anwar al Awlaki.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Yemen, who would have guessed. I am getting the feeling they don't like us.
Why send it by boat when planes are so much faster.
Passengers disembark an Emirates airliner into an awaiting bus at JFK International Airport in New York. Photo / WABC-TV, AP
Homeland Security, the CIA and FBI has been chasing this one down for awhile.I do not believe there is any connection between the DC shooter and this discovery. As a matter of fact I really do believe the DC shooter is connected with the elections. Some crackpot trying to terrorize the electorate. As a matter of fact, I wonder if there is a polling place with the word 'marine' in its name.
...President Barack Obama says authorities (click title to entry - thank you) have uncovered a "credible terrorist threat" against the United States after the discovery of explosives in US-bound packages on cargo jets.
Obama said both had been addressed to Jewish organisations in the Chicago area.
The disclosures triggered a worldwide alert amid fears that al-Qaeda was attempting to carry out fresh terror attacks....
...The second package was aboard a plane searched in England, and officials said it contained a printer toner cartridge with wires and powder.
That second package was aboard a plane in the East Midlands, north of London....
...Several other cargo planes at airports along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States also were searched, and officials said no explosives were found. An Emirates Airlines passenger jet carrying cargo from Yemen was escorted from the Canadian border to New York City by two military fighter jets, US officials said. They said it was a precautionary action.
An FBI spokesman in Chicago, Ross Rice, said both suspicious packages had been sent from the same address in Yemen....
No doubt a plan sponsored by our favorite Ex-patriot and what exactly is the ACLU complaining about? And to think it is just in time for Halloween. BOO !
Yemen bomb scare 'mastermind' lived in London (click here)
Anwar al-Awlaki, who US officials suspect was behind the cargo plane bomb, has been linked to other terrorism plots
Vikram Dodd, crime correspondent
...Anwar al-Awlaki was born in New Mexico to Yemeni parents, and has been accused of encouraging terrorism in his sermons and writings...
Since September 11, 2001 the belief that cargo and baggage needs to be scanned before loading it on planes and cargo ships as a matter of 'process' to stop such threats has been a complaint by many. So. Here we are now, nine years later and the concern has become a reality. How about that? Why do I want to say "I told you so."
Anwar has to know this isn't going to go over well. Oh well. I don't believe this has helped his case at all.
Whomever is upset with the military needs to come in from the cold. I know it is expensive to start an ALERT of federal and state buildings but it needs to be considered.
No one has been hurt and so far it is just target practice. The problems and potential anger of someone is of great concern to me and more than likely the Pentagon.
There is no grievance too big to understand why it exists. I am confident the protest so far will be tempered by the reality of any complaint.
I don't want anyone else hurt including the shooter. Please stop and seek an authority that can facilitate surrender and mitigation. Thank you.
Pentagon, Marine Corps museum shots linked (click there)
The first shooting, which broke upper-level windows at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle just off of Interstate 95, happened in the early morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 17. The second shooting, at the Pentagon, was reported at 5 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 19 in the area of the south parking lot, which faces I-395. The FBI announced Tuesday afternoon that those two shootings have been linked to the same weapon....
Pentagon heightens security for Marine marathon (click title to entry - thank you)
Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:10pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is tightening security for this weekend's Marine Corps marathon after a series of shootings targeting military buildings in the Washington area, an official said on Thursday.Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:10pm EDT
The FBI says a single weapon was used in an October 19 shooting that shattered two windows at the Pentagon and in another shooting at a Marine Corps museum south of Washington the previous weekend.
It is investigating whether a third shooting at a Marine Corps recruiting station this week was also connected.
No one was injured in the shootings but security measures were being heightened, a Pentagon spokesman said....
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Pre-Election Day Polling Place is experiencing 600 voters per day.
There were younger voters, older voters, minority voters and they were all very patient in waiting in line.
There were voters newly registering from moving into town from other places and they are taking the time to do it right.
People aren't putting up with misspelling or incorrect addresses either. If there are errors they are being vigilant.
It was a very atypical turn out. I have voted early before. Normally I walk in and cast my ballot and leave with one or two people ahead of me. That was not at all the case today. There was a line down the hall and nearly to the lobby. I waited for about 25 minutes until I got to the ballot machine.
It is happening !
There were voters newly registering from moving into town from other places and they are taking the time to do it right.
People aren't putting up with misspelling or incorrect addresses either. If there are errors they are being vigilant.
It was a very atypical turn out. I have voted early before. Normally I walk in and cast my ballot and leave with one or two people ahead of me. That was not at all the case today. There was a line down the hall and nearly to the lobby. I waited for about 25 minutes until I got to the ballot machine.
It is happening !
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
This is ridiculous, the frequency of the tornadic activity is closing down function in the area.
There are factory workers taking shelter under buildings in order to protect their lives.
...Tornado watches and warnings (click title to entry - thank you) were issued across the Southeast and into the Northeast.
In North Carolina, at least 11 people were hurt by the winds that destroyed Corona's home, but none seriously.
"We just thank God that everyone is safe," said Corona, who had some cuts on her leg....
People are cut and injured and stating they are SAFE. There are dearly few people in the area that are safe. They are ducking funnel clouds from minute to minute. Human Induced Global Warming. It could have been avoided.
The area should be evacuated. This is day two. It is just that bad.
...Tornado watches and warnings (click title to entry - thank you) were issued across the Southeast and into the Northeast.
In North Carolina, at least 11 people were hurt by the winds that destroyed Corona's home, but none seriously.
"We just thank God that everyone is safe," said Corona, who had some cuts on her leg....
People are cut and injured and stating they are SAFE. There are dearly few people in the area that are safe. They are ducking funnel clouds from minute to minute. Human Induced Global Warming. It could have been avoided.
The area should be evacuated. This is day two. It is just that bad.
Le't's see, how much interest does one trillion US earn? What will that add to my bonus now that the company doesn't owe the USA Treasury that money?
Wall Street bank executives testify before the House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Feb. 11, 2009. Wells Fargo & Co. President and CEO John Stumpf, Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit, Morgan Stanley Chairman and CEO John Mack, State Street Corporation Chairman and CEO Ronald Logue, Bank of America Chairman and CEO Ken Lewis, Bank of New York Mellon Chairman and CEO Robert Kelly, JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO James Dimon, Goldman Sachs & Co. CEO and Chairman Lloyd Blankfein. (Xinhua/Zhang Yan
So. The bailout was real nice for Wall Street. Real nice. But, the country that bailed them out can go to hell in a hand basket evidently
Like what?
One dollar chrome printing plate
A one dollar chrome printing plate. US companies are hoarding nearly one trillion dollars of cash that they are unlikely to use for expansion amid a muddled outlook on economic recovery, rating agency Moody's said Wednesday...Companies cut costs,((click title to entry - thank you) reduced investment in plants and equipment and downsized operations in order to boost cash holdings during the recession. As the corporate bond market reopened many companies also boosted cash levels by selling debt and refinancing near-term debt maturities.
Nonfinancial U.S. companies are sitting on $943 billion of cash and short-term investments, as of mid-year 2010, compared with $775 billion at the end of 2008, Moody's said. This would be enough to cover a year's worth of capital spending and dividends and still have $121 billion left over, it said....
I believe it was Mr. Boehner that stated, " is like trying to kill an ant with an atomic bomb."
Is it no wonder why the plutocrats are investing so heavy in the Repubicans?
Gee whiz the obstructionists are all to clear now. And President Obama being the gentleman he is stated something like, "...the newly elected Republicans will want to prove they can make a difference and will be anxious to cooperate with legislation when they are inaugurated." Why do I believe that is terribly naive of the President. The truth is that the Republicans only seek to make things as difficult as possible to show the nation how much they have to accept their fate !
I found this picture to be curious. It was on Yahoo. It might be an under cover police officer, but, there is no way of knowing that.
I realize there are all kinds of amateur and not so amateur news people that are scavenging for traces of some kind of information. But, I like the idea of having a residence under camera survellance after an arrest like this.
Unidentified man leave home of Farooque Ahmed (click here)
An unidentified man leave the home of Farooque Ahmed in Ashburn, Va., Wednesday, Oct. 27. 2010. Ahmed, a naturalized citizen born in Pakistan was arrested Wednesday and charged with trying to help people posing as al-Qaida operatives planning to bomb subway stations around the nation's capital, the FBI said.Another wacko caught up in some kind of spiritual funk.
Metro officials say that neither riders nor employees were in danger while federal officials investigated a plot by a Virginia man to carry out a series of terrorist bombings at stations.
In a news release Wednesday, Metro officials said the FBI was aware of the activities of Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Ashburn, before the alleged attempt began and closely monitored him until his arrest.
The planned attack was not imminent, sources said.
In a news release Wednesday, Metro officials said the FBI was aware of the activities of Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Ashburn, before the alleged attempt began and closely monitored him until his arrest.
The planned attack was not imminent, sources said.
Alledale, Michigan is on the Lake MIchigan side of the Lower Peninsula. Between the two water vapor images, the center of the vortex/cyclone passed over Allendale.
October 27, 2010
Allendale, Michigan
Photographer states :: Crazy Skies in the Midwest
The 'light' of the sky can be seen through the vortex center circulation.
Allendale, Michigan
Photographer states :: Crazy Skies in the Midwest
The 'light' of the sky can be seen through the vortex center circulation.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
President Obama inspires early Democratic voter turnout.
...Democrats, (click title to entry - thank you) however, hold a small lead among those who have already voted....
The latest Zogby Interactive survey of likely voters conducted from Oct. 22-25 also found President Barack Obama's approval rating holding steady 47%....
The latest Zogby Interactive survey of likely voters conducted from Oct. 22-25 also found President Barack Obama's approval rating holding steady 47%....
There was no violation during the Florida Debate. Once again Scott is making a fraudulent charge.
If those type of problems were to be completely avoided, the debate committee needed to refuse access to the stage by staffers completely and provided their own staff to pass urgent messages to the candidiates. I mean the mess could have been catatrophic if Ms. Sink sincerely received bad news about her daughter while sitting there.
The questions already asked were answered. The questions to come were not known to anyone. And the message is basicaly benign in that it was an enthusiastic 'touch of details' to her presentation to the camera. There was no coaching and Scott had no right to complain. There were no details to an answer given and the complaint was baseless. It was at a time when the candidates were relaxed and taking a break. Ms. Sink did not seek information or ask for the cell phone. She clearly didn't have any control over the moment and she is a MOTHER. It was a vulnerable moment of Ms. Sink and one has to wonder if the staffer was actually paid by Scott.
The questions already asked were answered. The questions to come were not known to anyone. And the message is basicaly benign in that it was an enthusiastic 'touch of details' to her presentation to the camera. There was no coaching and Scott had no right to complain. There were no details to an answer given and the complaint was baseless. It was at a time when the candidates were relaxed and taking a break. Ms. Sink did not seek information or ask for the cell phone. She clearly didn't have any control over the moment and she is a MOTHER. It was a vulnerable moment of Ms. Sink and one has to wonder if the staffer was actually paid by Scott.
Jeeze !
Why does Scott insist on distracting from the issues, is the real question?
..."After the debate tonight, (click title to entry - thank you) one of my campaign advisers admitted he tried to communicate with me during one of the breaks," Sink said in the statement. "While he told me it was out of anger with Rick Scott's repeated distortion of facts, it was a foolish thing to do. It violated a debate agreement and I immediately removed him from the campaign."...
What is amazing at all is the criminal background of Scott. What does anyone believe he is going to do as Governor? Do they believe he is going to be a benevolent Governor or just one that will 'set himself up' for when he is no longer in office? I wish people had better memories these days.
Scott has proven he is not trustworthy, so why trust him now?
What is amazing at all is the criminal background of Scott. What does anyone believe he is going to do as Governor? Do they believe he is going to be a benevolent Governor or just one that will 'set himself up' for when he is no longer in office? I wish people had better memories these days.
Scott has proven he is not trustworthy, so why trust him now?
Shunning Corrupt Franchise and bolstering the Local Economy. Embracing the "Gold's Gym Model."

A twenty-two year franchise is significant, but, with damage to the community by the plutocrats the individual gyms have to be granted relief by the courts for their grievance. Contributing to corrupt and dangerous politics was NOT in their contract and their franchise status will directly allow such donations.
Monday, Oct 25, 2010 17:19 ET
Donation to Rove-tied group sparks Gold's Gym revolt (click title to entry - thank you)

Four Bay Area gyms will leave the brand in response to big donations by the chain's owner to anti-gay candidates ...
..."Our contracts started 22 years ago. We're one of the first franchisees for Gold's Gym. We can't get out over night, but we will be out of it," Don Dickerson, director of operations for Gold's in the Bay Area, told Salon, adding that the bulk of the gyms' business comes from the LGBT community.
"It took us by as much surprise as it did everyone else," Dickerson said of the donations by billionaire Robert Rowling, whose company, TRT Holdings, owns Gold's, to the Karl Rove-linked American Crossroads. A petition has been circulating in the gay blogosphere protesting the donations to Crossroads....
The violent troposhere today is garnered from a global dynamic. It is all due to excessive heat from the Climate Crisis.

The normal season for tornadoes, especially this extreme outbreak conditions as today is long over, yet the reality of it occurring speaks to the Climate Crisis and the past tipping point of Earth we are all facing. This is a sad reality for nations. They haven't achieved a safe troposphere for their citizens while mining and drilling of fossil fuels continue with abandon and the CO2 (carbon capture) practices of any industry is nothing more than propaganda.. Wall Street abuses.
October 26, 2010
The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (Crystal Wind Chime) is stagnant.
Scientists warned about this before it started, long before it started. Shipping across the top of the world will remove 'Earth's whitest snow' and the reflectivity of solar rays and heat back into space. The IPCC has to demand the prohibition of this use of Arctic waters. There are also threantened species that will be facing extinction. There is an entire ecosystem within that ice and under the ice that will alter the balance of the oceans. This is complete stupidity on the part of those that will seek to use the reduced sea ice as a shipping route.
Increased shipping likely to accelerate climate change as Arctic warms (click title to entry - thank you)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 16:00 [IST
Washington, Oct 26 (ANI): Scientists have revealed that as the ice-capped Arctic Ocean warms, ship traffic will increase at the top of the world.
And if the sea ice continues to decline, a new route connecting international trading partners may emerge - but not without significant repercussions to climate, says a U.S. and Canadian research team that included a University of Delaware scientist.
Growing Arctic ship traffic will bring with it air pollution that has the potential to accelerte climate change in the world's nothern reaches. And it's more than a greenhouse gas problem -- engine exhausted particles could increase warming by some 17-78 percent, the reseachers say...
Local Time :: 6:52 AM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lon/Lat :: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Elevation :: 33 feet
Temperature :: 37 Fahrenheit
Conditions :: Overcast
Windchill :: 34 Fahrenheit
Humidity :: 83%
Dew Point :: 36 Fahrenheit
Wind :: 5 mph from the North North West
Pressure :: 29.67 inches (steady)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Overcast 2200 feet
(Above ground level)
"Unfortunate," is what the Rand Paul says about this episode of violence. I demand Rand Paul immediately condemn this act of violence by his supports.
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This is outrageous !
Unfortunate. They believe it is unfortunate. It is far more than that.
This is outrageous !
Unfortunate. They believe it is unfortunate. It is far more than that.
Well, here is the other side of the coin. A USA military under the control of a ? freely elected ? citizen cabal.
The soldiers were thrown into a war where either one survived or died. There was no real exit strategy from the beginning, only a map of a march from Kuwait into Iraq's oil fields. It wasn't a military invasion with purpose, so much as a military invasion for the plutocracy.
Many, many in the USA knew exactly what was being done and that is why Bush and Cheney were always on the defense about it. The people in the USA that were outrageously upset over the Iraq invasion, the demonstrators, the soldiers against the war, the anti-war movement knew long before the first tank rolled across the Kuwait border this was an illegal war. If it weren't for them and their prowess about their own country and international aggression of their military by the plutocrats there would have been a world war.
It was those and the United Nations that opposed the invasion with inspectors 'on the ground' in Iraq finding absolutely nothing to justify such actions that prevented escalation beyond the Iraq borders. The invasion is why the global community now is justified in their skepticism of any peaceful intentions of the military. With the Wikileaks documents there is a growing justification for worrisome methods of the wrongful use of the Executive Branch of the USA.
Al Pessin
The Pentagon 25 October 2010
The U.S. Army general (click title to entry - thank you) who commanded coalition forces in Iraq for 2 1/2 years denied allegations on Monday based on the WikiLeaks documents published last week that his forces undercounted Iraqi civilian casualties and condoned the abuse of prisoners by Iraqi forces.
General George Casey, who is now Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, says troops under his command in Iraq did not intentionally underreport the number of civilians who were killed during his tenure, from mid-2004 until early 2007. "I don't recall downplaying civilian casualties. In fact, we actively went out and tried to count civilian casualties, to the extent we actually sent leaders, soldiers, down to the morgues in Baghdad to count civilian casualties," he said….
General George Casey, who is now Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, says troops under his command in Iraq did not intentionally underreport the number of civilians who were killed during his tenure, from mid-2004 until early 2007. "I don't recall downplaying civilian casualties. In fact, we actively went out and tried to count civilian casualties, to the extent we actually sent leaders, soldiers, down to the morgues in Baghdad to count civilian casualties," he said….
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