Sunday, October 31, 2010

Juson Phillips, profiteer, extremist and fear monger. " Tea Party Nation head wants Muslim-free Congress." (click title to entry - thank you)

Should Congress be a Muslim-free zone -- despite the U.S. Constitution's ban on religious tests for public office? According to Salon, which links back to earlier sources, Tea Party Nation leader and founder Judson Phillips, a Tennessee attorney, thinks so....

Phillips writes: (click title to entry - thank you)
There are a lot of liberals who need to be retired this year, but there are few I can think of more deserving than Keith Ellison. Ellison is one of the most radical members of congress. He has a ZERO rating from the American Conservative Union. He is the only Muslim member of congress. ...
Salon's Justin Elliott writes:
Phillips has not withdrawn the post or apologized. It's hard to imagine that this would not have made more of a splash if Phillips had targeted, say, a Jewish member of Congress for being Jewish or a Mormon member for being Mormon.

Robert Wright makes a similar point while looking into the fallout over ex-NPR, now-Fox newsman Juan Williams' nervous-about-Muslim-garb comment last week. Wright, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, blogged for The New York Times:

Suppose Williams had said something hurtful to gay people instead of to Muslims. Suppose he had said gay men give him the creeps because he fears they'll make sexual advances. NPR might well have fired him, but would Fox News have chosen that moment to give him a $2-million pat on the back?
I don't think so. Playing the homophobia card is costlier than playing the Islamophobia card....

Additonally, Mr. Phillips has stated he and his organization wants to stop the socialism in the USA and want to advance freedom. 

What does he think he is practicing when he is speaking out freely in any campaign?  Anything other than democarcy? 

We want to fundamentally change government. 

Fundamentally changing government is a broad topic.  What he really means is that he wants to replace government with his plutocratic values.

Kill SSD filled with waste fraud and abuse.

SSD?  If there are individuals that are fraudulently on SSD, then he needs to come forward.  Many people on SSD are there because their lives were destroyed by the plutocratic ideals that OSHA is simply government waste.

Stop Departement of Education to subcabinet level - cut budget to zero - as a program it is a disaster  Education to be run by the state and local level.

Do these people ever stop to think about what they are saying or simply spout rhetoric to MAINTAIN the hate and anger? 

When federal funds are used for education it brings a level playing field to impoverished states.  That means every child in the nation as the same chance as every other child.  When Phillips wants to decentralize educational funding and guidelines, he is saying let's make religion a priority if we want to and eventually remove the 'public' in Public Schools if we want to as well.

 Everyone knows when federal autorities aren't policing the States there is CORRUPTION.  When the feds and States are policing the locals there is CORRUPTION.  The federal government has to be actively involved in local and state efforts to educate Americans because it requires vigilance the state and local authorities don't practice.  Mr. Phillips naively believes everyone is capable of policing their local authorities on everything.  It doesn't work that way.  How many people in any town actually attend every council and every board meeting?  FEW. 

The Tea Party Nations states there should be a separation of church and state, then why are they excluding Muslims from serving?