I really don't believe there was any reason for ANY apology !!!!!
If I had to advise President Obama to insure he gets his message out without these morons interferring? I'd tell him, USE GENERICS. You know, like, "...and don't blow your money on gambling." That way PERHAPS, but only PERHAPS, the college students might actually hear your message. It's worth a try, but, I am sure the mayor of Las Vegas would take offense to that as well, but, at least we can measure it.
Gambling by underage college students: preferences and pathology (click here)
University students (N=995) residing in an environment which affords many opportunities to gamble were surveyed. For those participants over 21 years of age, 92.5% said they had gambled at least once in a casino, compared to 59.8% of the 18 year olds, 72.8% of the 19 year olds, and 86.1% of the 20 year olds. Casino gambling is legal only at 21. Preferences in favorite game showed no difference between the two groups except that those under 21 years were more than twice as likely to prefer sports betting to those over 21. The percentage of participants classified as probable pathological gamblers by the South Oaks Gambling Screen was 9.21% for those under 21 years, and 14.91% for those over 21....Nevada lawmakers angry at President Obama's 'don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas' comment (click here)
All too often the American media simply take issues that don't belong at the forefront of the American conscience and turn them into propagandized political fodder. This is one of those times.
The 'enemy' here one might note is TRANSPARENCY. The President has opened up his every move to 'transparency' in order to defeat the lies the right wing uses to 'spin' their political campaigns.
This is simply an atrocity to realize the reputation of Las Vegas is more important than the hearts and minds of our college students receiving federal loans, which are substantial if one never engaged that type of responsibility before.
The MESSAGE the President made at a Democratic retreat was spun by those that hate this administration for a wedge to political pandering. Did anyone hear the message?
The entire message the President gave to our college students was completely lost in idiocy.
Who is it the mayor of Las Vegas? He feels that INSECURE about the reputation of his city that he has to forsake the message from the President of the United States of America to college students in order to engage in protectionism.
I am not impressed.
Top Ten Student Money Mistakes (click here)
By Blythe Terrell
11 March 2004
For many students, college is the first major landmark on the path to independence. Moving away from home means no more curfews, no asking for permission and no parents looking over their shoulders. It also means that the liberty-seeking college kid is now free to make his or her own mistakes....
...Letting friends pressure them into spending money. College life is full of opportunities to spend money, finals week smorgasbord, an evening out with friends, road trips and vacations… Not knowing how to say “no” can cause students to spend money they just do not have. “If you can’t afford it, just say no”, says David Fingerhut, a financial adviser with Pines Financial in St. Louis....